4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I find the college that fits me?

I am accepted into my top choice and I have yet to visit so how will I know if it is the right fit for me? I am a senior this year graduating class of 2021 and relieved to have an acceptance, but what if it doesn’t end up being the right one for me? How will I know when it is?

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3 answers

4 years ago

Congratulations on getting an acceptance to your top choice school so early in the process! That's awesome. It's tough this year, as you point out, since a lot of students haven't had the opportunity to visit the schools that they are most interested in, and I'm sure it can feel disconcerting to be in a position of deciding whether to go to a school that you've never visited. But, there are a lot of options to help you learn more about this school (and any others you are considering).

First, some schools are now doing limited, in-person campus visits. It's possible that your school may be doing those now (even if it wasn't initially) so I would check the website to see if there are any options for an in-person campus tour/information session. Second, for schools that aren't doing official visits, it may be possible to still visit informally, walk around campus, and get a feel for things. Third, if neither of those are an option, the schools admissions website all have many options for exploring the school virtually. These include virtual tours, virtual information sessions, student to student conversations, webinars with admissions staff and/or faculty, and many other options. Some offer the ability to connect you up with a current student to provide information and answer your questions, and all welcome your reaching out to the admissions staff if you have questions. Finally, some schools will be doing admitted students programs later in the year, or welcoming admitted students on campus later in the year. We can all hope that the virus will enable some of those events to happen in-person.

I would use all of those methods to gather as much information as possible about your first choice school, as well as any others schools to which you applied (or plan to apply), so that you can make as informed a decision as possible. Hopefully if you are able to utilize all of tools available, you will start to feel more comfortable about your top choice school (or another school) and be able to enjoy having been accepted.

Best of luck, and again congratulations!!

4 years ago

You should visit the college, speak with admissions counselor to see if the college is right fit for you

4 years ago

You should visit the college, speak with admissions counselor to see if the college is right fit for you

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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