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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Canadian Universities


I noticed that are no Canadian schools on College Vine to help with admissions and applications and whatnot maybe someone here can help me??

I am hoping to apply to several top Canadian schools (McGill, UBC, U of T, U of A, BCIT) as an applied science (engineering) and business major and I am so confused on the requirements for IB diploma students for fall 2021.

I am an IB diploma student however the only science and math offered was biology HL, and Math Analysis and Approaches SL/HL. I know many of the Canadian schools have specific requirements for applied science but they are so unclear on their sites and whatnot so maybe someone here can help.

Next thing is less important but nice to know, is that while I've always been aware that Canadian Universities actually consider your senior year GPA, I had also recently heard that only the grade 11 and 12 GPA is calculated. So maybe if someone here could clarify this stuff for me please?


@DebaterMAX4 years ago

Collegevine at the moment exclusively does American schools. They have said eventually they may add British and Canadian school but it’s not in the near future.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@chiccc4 years ago

Ah ok

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4 years ago

Okok i think i can answer this pretty well. In Canada, universities aren't elite in any way, it the program that people apply to. You don't want to apply to like U of T Health Science if you are looking for a good med school program. If you wanna go to med then you would wanna apply to McMaster Health Sci. Even though its not as good of a school, its got the best health sci program in the country. In contrast you dont want to apply to UBC comp sci because the comp sci program is a lot better at Waterloo. University's are graded by the average level of all the programs. You want to search up "Best (field you will go into) programs in Canada". Most of these applications are almost 70% academics. You have a grade cutoff and if you're deep into the higher end, you are basically guaranteed a spot provided ur supp essay is at least relevant and thought out. Canadian universities also take 95% weighting on your grade 11 marks and they just check your grade 12 marks for 1. course rigor 2. if you fail a course you might be denied admission after you get accepted. Canadian Universities are very light in terms of required courses, I believe you can email telling them that you couldnt take chem or physics and they would be fine.

Under further review of your question, it looks like you are applying to Engineering so In my opinion, the best school for that would be U of T however its best to have an average of 95% in all your courses. Especially since your doing IB, you will be very competitive. I think you should also apply to UBC same story as U of T because both programs are competitive. It also has a top business program.

Good Luck!

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