2 days ago
Admissions Advice


How do I know which ones to include and which ones not to do? I do a lot of random things that are a lot but not every week or every month, but they are really good and I don't want to add too many activities, what is too many?

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2 answers

2 days ago

Hey there!

Are you working on your common app? If so, there is 10 slots for activities (jobs, ECs, volunteering, internships, etc.) and some students add more brief descriptions of additional activities in the Additional Info section.

As far as choosing what to put on the application, you want to put down the "wow" activities. Here is a video I found really helpful: youtube.com/watch?v=mfrxARf5hXo&t=632s and youtube.com/watch?v=oOWm-6ZvQKQ

Look at your activities through the admission officers' pov. You would probably rather see the activities that involved the most commitment and interaction. Depending on the thing, it may not be a good idea to put on the application if it's a every-few-months thing. If you want help deciding what to leave out, feel free to comment to my answer with your ECs and approximate commitment level.

a day ago

Make sure to include the activities that work well together, and show your interest in the majors and minors you’re planning to explore. Your extracurriculars say a lot about you, so make sure the ones you chose to add show how you spend your time and what you’re passionate about. Make sure to include any ECs in which you hold a leadership position, as well as the ones with the biggest time commitment. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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