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3 months ago
Admissions Advice

Should I submit my CSS profile to UMD?

Hello, I want to go to UMD but I’m not eligible to do FAFSA since I count as an international student (I live in Maryland though. I can live here cuz of my dads work visa). I know UMD does not require css profile, but should I submit it since I can’t fill out the FAFSA form?

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5 answers

3 months ago

Since you're classified as an international student and can't complete the FAFSA, submitting the CSS Profile can be a good alternative, even if the University of Maryland (UMD) doesn't require it. While UMD may not require the CSS Profile for all students, it could still be helpful in providing the school with a more complete picture of your family's financial situation, especially since you're ineligible for federal financial aid.

Additionally, reach out to UMD's financial aid office to ask about other options available to international students. Many universities offer institutional aid, scholarships, or grants for which you may still be eligible, even without FAFSA.

3 months ago

Yes, if UMD requires the CSS Profile for financial aid consideration, you should submit it.

2 months ago

I have the same problem with my apps. I'm here on my dad's work visa and I've had trouble with certain schools specifically because they do not want to consider me as a resident and won't give me Florida tuition even though their guidelines strictly stated that I qualified. I live in Florida and applied to mostly Florida schools and some have accepted me as a resident and some have not. You could check the guidelines for UMD specifically and see if they have some sort of scholarships you can't get for living in Maryland. If that doesn't work, I would recommend filing the CSS profile just in case!

(I don't know if the FAFSA guidelines in Maryland are different but I don't know if you'd be considered an international student.)

2 months ago


25 days ago

I recommended if you or your parent can't pay for the tuition so you'll get considered in need-based scholarship and more likely to be admitted if you have academic / non-academic achievement while being in poverty or below average income. But if your family have over $200000 current yearly income then don't because it waste your time finding and filling the data in the CSS form unless its already filled or you have a lot of free time.

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