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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is it necessary to write common app essay?

12th grade pass

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Yes, it is necessary. Most of the colleges are using Common App Application. So please write it very carefully.

4 years ago[edited]

Niki is true to an extent it just differs by school, for example, Kansas St doesn't accept essays while Harvard requires them and some schools recommend them such as Univ Ariz. So when you designate a school as interested in your profile it should say if its recommended/optional required or not accepted.

Please comment if you need clarification! I'd be happy to help.

2 years ago

Most Common App colleges need you to submit a college essay. Many colleges use this personal essay as a key factor in admissions choices. The best advice from admissions professionals is to write in your own style and pay attention to details. fall guys wordle unlimited

4 years ago

If it shows up in the collegevine essay guide on collegevine for the college then yes. If It's not you might be able to use it for scholarships.

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