We wanted to inform you that posting on CollegeVine’s community forum will be temporarily suspended for a few days as we work to mitigate some recent spam posts. While the forum will still be accessible for browsing, you will not be able to make new posts during this time.
We understand how valuable this resource is for you all, and we appreciate your patience during this time. Our team is working to resume access as soon as possible so you can continue to engage with your peers and benefit from the helpful discussions.
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Hello...has the spam problem been corrected yet or is it still in progress?
It says I was blocked from posting...is the page down for longer?
thanks for update
When will it return? :(
Good decision! Thanks for the update.
Thanks for the update!
dried poppy pods for sale
Fresh poppy pods are the seed pods that are harvested from the poppy flower. Poppies are known for their beautiful flowers, but it’s their seed pods that are of the most value. These pods contain the seeds for the next crop and, when dried, they are frequently used in floral arrangements and other decorative crafts. By using fresh poppy pods, you can take your art to the next level as it gives a natural and pleasant look to your creations.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Thank you for the information.