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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I apply to two different colleges within Boston University?

I have strong interest in both engineering and in marine biology, I don't want to double major as I plan to eventually just pick one but I am not sure at the moment. I was hoping to be able to decide after my first year of college but from what I am understanding BU makes you apply to one of their specific colleges rather that the university as a whole. Is there anyway I could apply to both their college of engineering and their college of arts and sciences?

@arielUC254 years ago

No, you apply to one of the colleges and then when in college, you can make a switch. It's prolly more likely engineering that would be better as it is more competitive. And if you like marine bio more you can switch to A&S

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Just to second @Adri's answer, you can only apply to one school. Engineering is more competitive, so switching out of it will be easier than switching into it (but getting into engineering will probably also be harder than getting into A&S, unless your background very clearly supports your interest in engineering). You can learn more about BU's transfer policies here:

Also, feel free to add your comment as an answer @Adri! I want you to get credit for your answer.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have more questions!

4 years ago

No, you apply to one of the colleges and then when in college, you can make a switch. It's prolly more likely engineering that would be better as it is more competitive. And if you like marine bio more you can switch to A&S

2 years ago

No, you cannot apply to two different colleges within Boston University simultaneously. When applying to Boston University, you will have to choose a specific school or college to which you wish to apply. This is because each school or college at Boston University has its own unique set of requirements, admission standards, and curriculum.

You will have to decide which program and college you want to apply to based on your interests and future career goals. However, if you are admitted to Boston University and decide later that you want to switch to a different school or college, you can explore internal transfer options. The process of internal transfer varies by school or college, but typically requires you to meet certain academic requirements and go through an application process.

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