4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is it worth the time to apply for the scholars program (requires an extra essay) at Ohio State if my GPA isn’t competive

I am interested in the scholars program. It says it’s highly selective but does not have a minimum requirement to apply. Does anyone have insight to this? How many applicants apply and get in? I am running out of time to apply early action with my applications and I am weighing pros and cons of taking the time to start a new essay for this. Especially since I am very average at best in my grades and I have no standardized tests. I have a lot of extracurricular and community service. Thank you.


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3 answers

4 years ago

It sounds cliché, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take! I'd say just go for it, especially if you have the time! I know you're in a bit of a time crunch, maybe spend a Friday or Saturday night trying to get as much done as possible. I think if you really try you could grind out a basic essay in about 2.5 hours. You could maybe try to submit your essay to college vine to get in looked over. Don't stress it, you got this! Best of luck with your applications

4 years ago

It definitely doesn't hurt to apply, and I'm not sure of the stats, but I think that if you want to and you have the time to, go for it! It shouldn't be your first priority, but I would try!

4 years ago

I highly recommend you apply for the scholars' program. The essay is comparatively of a lower word limit and you shouldn't overlook the benefits of the scholar program. Moreover, as Ohio State has turned test-optional/ free, I assume the SAT scores will not be taken into account anyway. As you have a lot of extracurriculars and universities are following a more holistic review process, things might fall in your favor.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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