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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

What do I do if my chances are pretty low for a lot of schools on my list?

All of my favorite schools have below a 40% chance of me getting in. I know that a lot of them are competitive schools, but I don’t know what I should do now. Leave them on my list and risk it? Add more schools?

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8 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

Assuming your schools are competitive, a 40% chance of getting in is actually pretty good. Like if the average acceptance rate for a school is 10%, then 40% is actually 4x higher than average.

Although, you definitely should have a balance of reach, target, and safety schools on your list. Anything below 40% is basically reach category. You could try to add some target schools (maybe 2-4) where you have 40-70%, and also a few safety schools where you have close to a 100% chance of getting accepted. This way you don’t end up in a situation where you get into literally no schools, which happened to a girl in the grade above me. The school list thing here is pretty good at showing you schools based on your chances that you can add to your school list.

5 years ago

I really agree with trackmaster82. Remember that you're applying to a bunch of schools and so those probabilities across like 8 schools can yield a few acceptances (statistics ftw!). Also remember that there is some randomness in the decision (like if an AO is having a bad day or just doesn't like your essay) -- you'll never see over like 60% chances for very competitive schools individually for that reason (but again, across a few schools that randomness can cancel out). Good luck!!!

5 years ago

Have a good mix of competetive schools, and maybe choose around 3 safety schools that you'd feel comfortable applying to. I'm using myself as an example. So I would apply to

Reach schools:

UC Berkeley


Target Schools





Safety Schools:



Make sure you actually would want to go to your safety school picks. They don't have to be your top 5, but just make sure you're comfortable with them.

Here is the thing to remember: If you apply to a bunch of schools and chances like 40%, then like @trackmaster82 said, you can probably have a very good chance of getting in.

5 years ago

I am applying to a range of safety schools, target schools, and two very unlikely schools (USC and Duke University). It is nearly impossible for me to get into those two schools, but I figure that I'll try to get in. What do I have to lose? (Besides $80 dollars an application, some of my remaining sanity, and several hours of my time...)

4 years ago

Anything can happen - from the AO having a great day and just going "YAY" on your application, to the opposite. Although it is super hard to avoid it, do not take rejection personally. Always reach, if possible - like you said, what have you go to lose? Remember, an overall acceptance rate may be 10%, but a bunch of those applying may never have had a chance anyway, and many people flood colleges now with the Common Application (which is why the chancing simulator is helpful, but it is still just a simulator)!

I think 40% is actually very good. Almost even odds? Far better than you'll ever get in Vegas! Remember - you WILL be admitted somewhere, you WILL get your education, and you WILL go on!

3 years ago

similar to what everyone else said, I would look into a few safeties and a few targets so you have fallbacks if you don't get into any of your reach schools, however, across multiple schools, you'll probably have a good chance at getting into at least one of your reaches!

5 years ago

I'd try adding a nearby school like Iowa if you are a desmoines resident in iowa so you'd be accepted into more than 1 school

2 years ago

Even tho I don't know you I feel your pain. We all have desires in our lives and feel down when we see that life took another path right. but listen closely, even if you got rejected once, don't give up. This is a message from the universe to work more on yourself and upgrade your level in any area . If you recently graduated and feel that your student CV isn't presentable and flexible enough to get accepted at ease at your top choice UNIs , try taking a year gap and focus on opportunities such as internships, programs for students, clubs, even a job will help!! Getting admitted in university isn't about academics only, personality and activities matter too, and don't ever forget this golden advice!!! focus on building an application theme with matched activities so you can be unique to your administrators . And if you have a lot of interests that maybe slightly or completely far from each other try to do a project that shows your innovative thinking . I am cheering for you from my room and I hope y'all a nice day !!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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