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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

What is the best semester to apply for, for university/college?

As an international student, we can only start school/university in the Fall semester but to the best of my knowledge, in USA you can start in either the Fall, Spring or Winter semester.

I don't particularly want to apply for the Fall semester, but i was hoping that people could tell me if it is the most worth it to apply then, as opposed to the other semesters and vice-versa?

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@DebaterMAX5 years ago

I would encoarge you to see if the colleges you like have those semesters open for applying and their deadlines

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4 answers

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5 years ago

While you can start in the fall or spring at most US schools, the vast majority of students start in the fall, and the application process is set up for fall admissions. Most US schools will not let you start in the winter, as there really isn't a winter "semester" at most places. Schools will sometimes offer a short (3-4 week) winter term to help students make up lost time or take any credits they might need to graduate on time, but it's not a full semester. Same goes for summer—only fall and spring are actual full semesters at most places. The only exception to this is schools that work on a quarters schedule, like Northwestern, Drexel, Dartmouth, Stanford, etc., but even those schools will typically want students to start in the fall.

As for the spring, applying to start in the spring might mean you're competing with fewer people, but you're also going to have far fewer spots to apply for since most schools build the majority of their classes in the fall. Spring admissions will be more competitive at a lot of places. It could also place other limitations on you depending on the individual school, like what classes you'll be able to take and how quickly you'll be able to graduate, because a lot of course sequences (two-part courses like Calc I and Calc II) will have their first half in the fall and second half in the spring. That means you might need to wait an extra semester before taking intro courses, and that might end up pushing back your graduation.

Bottom line is, unless you have a really, really good reason, you should apply for the fall. That's how the entire system is built and starting in the spring, while possible, can come with a lot of headaches.

2 years ago[edited]

In general, at least in my experience, many graduate programs begin in the fall (very few begin in the spring), especially since I'm guessing you'd want to take the same coursework as the rest of your cohort in So, after graduation, see if you can secure a paid research position/assistantship to strengthen your candidacy. Then, apply for the next cycle (fall 2023). Because applications are due in December/January, you would start the process in September/October, gathering letters of recommendation, taking examinations, writing statements, and so on.

3 years ago[edited]

Only positive things about college. These are the most wonderful and valuable years of everyone's life. For most people, colleges help them take important steps toward adulthood with big plans for the future. As for me, in college, I learned how to earn an associate's degree in high school I have now become a professional in my field, and, in turn, I am putting the knowledge I gained in college into practice. Therefore, I believe that each of us should go through this stage of life.

3 years ago[edited]

I don't know the possible periods of the semesters when you can apply for a university/college in the US, and I would encourage you to check what deadlines other educational institutions have in the US. For example, in other countries, you can apply to a university or college anytime during the semester. My brother applied to during the second half of the semester, and he got accepted in a few days, probably because of his high grades and the diplomas he won during competitions.

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