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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

how can i write essay goodly

i am studying at 11th grade. And i don't have any idea how can o write essay with nice words

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4 answers

4 years ago

Hey! you have some time so start to brainstorm some impactful things that have altered or changed your life and maybe build off of that. It will take some time but its not too bad. Brainstorm maybe things you like to do.

4 years ago

Hey there, firstly u don’t need to stress about essays right now, because while writing ur common app essay u need to consider the supplements too and make sure that any information does not seem repetitive ( they might change the supplement questions for next year applications ). Right now, I just recommend maybe reflecting back on some of the important things in ur life and exactly what u want to write about. Do the brainstorming right now but u can worry about the actual writing later. Also, for good words, just use a thesaurus and maybe try to improve ur regular vocabulary. Hope that helps : )

4 years ago

Your question is a little vague, but if I was to assume what you were asking, it would be "How can I use better words to write essays?" One tip is to use a thesaurus. If you don't want to use a word like "nice", just look in a thesaurus or go on and type in "nice", and it will give you tons of synonyms to make you sound more professional. You can also get a daily vocabulary word sent to your email by going to basically any dictionary website, and checking to see if they do that. For example, there is, which can help build your "word bank" tons. Just try little by little each day to learn something new, whether it's a new word or a new fact, progress is progress. Good luck! <3

4 years ago

Hi there. This is a super vague question, but I would love to help you out if you provide some more specifics. Since you are in 11th grade you definitely do not need to be worrying about your college essay yet. I know it's hard not to stress, but worrying about that now will only cause you additional stress. When the time does come, collegevine is a fantastic resource to get specific feedback on your essays, as well as getting help from their articles on how to write essays for your common app and supplementals. Best of luck and try not to stress. You got this!

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