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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I study for a pre-AP grade 9 application?

I am in grade 8 and the AP applications for grade 9 is opening up beginning of November. Im going to Holy Trinity, Oakville. How do I know if I am qualified for AP and what should I study to get accepted?

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2 answers

4 years ago

Hey! I am a 10th grader who took AP human geography in 9th grade. I think it's best for you to email a teacher or counselor of the school you are attending to because every high school has different requirements for AP class. Personally, my school is a magnet school and I didn't have to do anything to take that class. Our school also only allowed for one AP class in 9th grade(or as I know of) and the teacher provided us with the information needed. If you already know what classes you are taking or find out later, you can study from platforms like youtube.

All the best :)

4 years ago

Hi! I may not be the best person to answer this, but it sounds like this is a school-specific question. I would recommend reaching out to somebody who works at your school like a counselor. I'm sure they would be happy to help!! Also, there is a lot of AP stuff found online and on YouTube

Best of luck with your AP application:)

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