4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What should I include in the Covid section on Common App

If I had a national competition that I was invited to canceled due to the pandemic, should I mention that in the designated section and if I should, should I just explain what happened or treat it as another essay and include how it affects me personally.

Also, I had applied to an internship over the summer which was canceled and I took two dual enrollment courses instead, should this go in as well in a separate paragraph.

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@alv4 years ago

"should I mention that in the designated section and if I should, should I just explain what happened or treat it as another essay and include how it affects me personally." can you please clarify what you mean by this?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Michaelpm3034 years ago

There is a section on the Common app designated to discussing how Covid may have affected you.

Should I include the fact that a national competition to which I was invited was canceled due to the pandemic? If I should include this, should I just simply explain what happened or should I detail how it affected me?

@nessmess4 years ago

You can add almost anything that shows how covid may have affected you. This is not limited to school grading policy changes or personal lifestyle changes. You can add in something about how you may have felt isolated, how family members/friends may have gotten infected and how that changed your perception on life, almost anything works as long as you show that you have been affected by covid.

@nessmess4 years ago

yes, you can definitely add in the situation with your national competition and internship. you can add them in the same paragraph or separately. I would treat it just like a short answer question. explain it, say why it affected you, and leave it at that

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3 answers

4 years ago

I would treat it as a short essay, or supporting essay. I would include whatever circumstances affected you personally; it's really up to you.

4 years ago

Don't stress too much about this I would say. Just write about what certain things it affected. Definitely go into the internship and the national competition. I wrote about my SATS being cancelled, struggling with online school, having a job during COVID, and my grandma passing away.

4 years ago

You can write about it in the designated section.

My suggestion:

Concisely tell what your plans (not dreams, but accepted internships etc.) were and that they got canceled.

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