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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Women Coding MIT, how hard is it to get in? Should I apply?

I'm a freshman, I know it's a bit far away but I found this program that I can apply to in 11th grade, it explores things I'm really passionate about (CS and electrical engineering) it says on the admission page:

40 participants are selected each year from a nationwide applicant pool who have demonstrated outstanding academic talent in math and science. The program tuition is free if you can't afford it.

I have a couple of questions:

When they say outstanding would getting A's-A+'s in advance math classes and regular Science classes count as outstanding or just average?

It also said 600-700 people apply each year so that's a 5.7% chance of getting in, but if it's a smaller applicant pool does that make less competitive/impressive/elite program?

If I got in how impressive would it be?

Regardless if it's impressive or not reading about this summer program got me really excited! I was just wondering about a couple of things.


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2 answers

4 years ago

Well firstly, I just want to stress how important it is to not be deterred or be daunted by how competitive something like this is. If you are truly passionate about it, that alone will get you a very long way because unfortunately, many education systems do not support student's passions and interests in ways they should be. Moving on though, you would want to demonstrate that you are near, or at, the top of your entire school, not just your class. The best, and in my opinion, the only real way of doing this is trying to get as far as you can in those respective fields, so the bare minimum would probably be a 95 of above in Honors Pre-Calc or AP Calc AB your sophomore year and then possibly even linear algebra(Algebra III) junior year depending on if you can skip Calc AB or BC. As for science, AP Physics would almost certainly be a must due to its extremely close relationship with math and then it really depends on what classes your school offers. However, when looking at this kind of program, you'll almost want to only look at Honors and AP(or IB) classes. Hope this is at least somewhat helpful and not too daunting!

4 years ago

Don't be afraid of stats and challenges. In the future, there will be many more intimidating applications and worse probabilities to face. Therefore, look the opportunity straight in the eye and go for it, and try your best. You have nothing to lose in the process, just some time. And if you don't get in, keep trying until you get in. All rejection can be seen as an opportunity to redirect your efforts.

I have a different idea of why you should do things.

Don't do them because they appear impressive to someone else.

Do the challenging things in life because they look fun, and you will learn something new or about yourself in the process.

Good luck

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