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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Explanation of College Selection Results

I am a parent. I entered GPA, SAT, and Extracurricular items.

On the results page, there are 3 criteria and based on my response, it shows "Excellent"

But result says admission odds are 40 - 50%.

If there are 3 criteria asked for, and my answers are higher than that required, how can the odds be only 40 - 50%?

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1 answer

4 years ago

The chancing calculator works best if you add as many inputs as possible and disclose your race, ethnicity, gender, major, AP test scores, college courses, honors courses, and rank if possible. If you are only entering 3 data points then your output is not going to be very accurate.

If you first start with a college list of safety, targets, and reaches in your child's preference, and enter a complete chancing profile you should be able to compare and contrast the published stats from the CV predictions.

Some schools will never show better than 40-45% especially the Top tier Ivy League schools and Caltech + MIT. If the average IVY is like 6.8% published acceptance rate, anything over 20% is very good and 3X the published stats.

Now if the school you tried as an example had a published acceptance rate of 45% and you got 40%-50%, then either you didn't put enough data points or this is a target for your child. Play around with it and you will get the knack.

Also, keep in mind that top Ivys actually use up 200 data points in their admissions process and this chancing engine is only a super light subset of what they use. If there were 100 required data points, very few people would use it on here.

Hope that helps.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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