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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What (if any) score(s) should I report?

I am trying to decide if I should report my SAT and/or ACT scores to Colby and/or Hamilton. My SAT is 1370 and my ACT is 30.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

According to Hamilton's website, the 25th percentile SAT score of current freshman enrolled there is a 1410 while the 25th percentile ACT score is a 32. (The 25th percentile SAT of the full group of accepted students was rather higher, interestingly enough - they report it as a 1450.)

Colby's website reports their 25th percentile SAT score at 1390 and their 25th percentile ACT score at 32.

In general, even with test-optional policies, we still recommend sending decent SAT and ACT scores if you have them. Not sending these scores, even at test-optional schools generally looks somewhat less impressive (unless you can prove you were unable to take any tests at all) and puts a ton of pressure on the other elements of your application. We recommend sending SAT scores up to ~60 points below the 25th percentile score of accepted students at a given school and ACT scores up to 2-3 points below the 25th percentile. Thus, I'd recommend you'd report a score to both schools. You might consider submitting your ACT to Hamilton and your SAT to Colby.

4 years ago

Congrats on your 1370 SAT and 30 ACT, that's a very good score. I believe they are 93% percentile scores.

In spite of it being on the lower end of the 50% percentile for all the schools you mentioned, this admissions cycle is different.

1.) Everyone is test-optional.

2.) Most high achieving kids don't have a test score to submit or they only took it once and didn't have the time or opportunity to ramp it upwards to their goal score. In past cycles, many kids took the SAT/ACT 3 sometimes 5 times to get the desired score.

3.) Standardized test scores although valuable information to admissions officers are downplayed right now with more weight given to grades, course rigor, essays, ECs, and recommendations.

CollegeVine's advice which I agree with is to submit a test score if it's within 60pts of the lower bound for SATs, and 3 pts of the lower bound for the ACT.

I think Colby's Class of 2024 was 1390/1530 and 32/34 for the ACT and Hamilton matriculated class was 1410/1500 and also 32/34 so you're okay to submit there with a 1370 or a 30 ACT. These scores would also be good for applying to Vassar, Colgate, Middlebury, Bates, and Bryn Mawr, Mt.Holyoke, Smith, Wellesley (if you are a girl). You can apply to any schools and submit both scores if the lower bound is 1430 for the SAT and 33 for ACT.

Hope that helps and good luck with your admissions process.

4 years ago[edited]

Answer deleted.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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