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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

My common app wouldn't submit, what should I do?

I recently just finished an application for a college. However, when I went to submit it, the common app kept saying there is a problem with the initial processing of my application. Because of this, the deadline passed in my local time. Is there anything I could do about this? I already sent emails to the common app asking for help and they haven't responded


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3 answers

4 years ago

The best chance you have is emailing the school right away and explaining the situation. Good luck!

4 years ago[edited]

You, might not be able to submit at all. A lot of schools look the other way when they see an application barely make it in on time. Some schools also say that any last-minute issues they are not responsible for- most likely this application will not be accepted even if you send it in another way.

Now, this is not nearly impossible but it is very likely that they will not consider your application. It also depends on the university or school to which you apply to say it is Stanford that you apply to- (since theirs just passed)- and you don't make it in on time, but they allow you to fax it over, they will still not consider your application as it is passed the deadline and would show that you are an unresponsible student. So, it depends on the university/school and their leniency towards last-minute application submitters. Call and see what they can do for you, though it is still holiday break and they are likely to be out of office.

Good luck!

Hopefully, this was not your main college ;)

4 years ago[edited]

The server usually is really slow since so many people are submitting their common apps near the deadline. I would try to send emails to the college, but there is not a good chance that they will actually accept it. However, I think some colleges allow you to send your common app by fax or mail if you didn’t submit your common app on time, and they might even accept it. You also might want to call your college to figure out if they will accept a late mailed application or to explain why your common app wasn’t submitting.

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