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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

When should I take the SAT?

I'm currently a junior and I'm not sure if I should take the SAT on March 13th or May 8th. I have not yet taken the PSAT because my school canceled the PSAT due to the tropical storm and other impacts caused by hurricane Zeta during October. Because of this, I will be taking the PSAT on January 26th. Since I won't know my PSAT scores until after the March 13th test date, should I wait until May 8th to take the test? The only reason I wouldn't want to is because May is the last month of school for me so I'd be prepping for finals and also AP exams. So, which date should I pick or should I wait until the summer?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Hi! I would recommend finding a full-length diagnostic practice SAT online and taking it at home one day. After you do that, you should have a pretty good idea of where you are and how much you want/need to improve to get the score you want. If you're happy with the score you get on that diagnostic, you should start studying now and take it in March. If you get a score you're unhappy with, you should probably wait until you have the chance to take the PSAT and study for a while, which would be in May. The main purpose of the PSAT is to serve as a diagnostic to indicate how well you'll do on the SAT, so I don't see anything wrong with taking an SAT diagnostic instead for that purpose. I'm not sure if you've done any prep yet, but if not then this is the course of action I would recommend!

4 years ago[edited]

I would like to add to @nms03's answer. If you live in Florida or America, you may have heard of a website called and that site can help you schedule an SAT. I do recommend waiting for a PSAT first too. Also, you should ask your guidance counselor for the dates and times for the SAT and PSAT. He or She should have scheduled dates for them already or upcoming ones.

Good luck in advance in your tests. =)

I hoped this also helped.

Sorry if it did not...

4 years ago

Since the SAT is likely to get cancelled due to COVID, I would recommend signing up for both since one will likely get canceled and then you can have a backup.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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