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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can taking a college biology course be a good substitute for taking AP Bio on the college application?

I realized in terms of coursework they'd be pretty similar because that's the whole point of AP courses, but I mean from an admissions standpoint. I was going to take the Biology-M subject test until CollegeBoard eliminated subject tests. I have a passion for biological sciences but I don't like the teacher who I would have for AP Bio next year, so I'm looking for an alternative. I'd be able to take an actual college course at a good nearby university. Thoughts?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

(I’m randomly selecting colleges as they prove a point. If you’d like me to tell you what “catergory” it falls into feel free to ask.)

So from an admissions prospective in terms of rigor I say it more or less relies on what university you take it from. Say you go to Toledo that has about the same impact and possibly slightly better than an AP. If you go to Ohio State for example that’s likely far and away better than AP but if you go to a community college or a a non premier regional school like Shawnee St (OH) an AP is likely better. I will say no matter what it’s probably as good and likely better than honors as prestige of college translates to perception of rigor. (I personally don’t exactly agree with this but this is what I have heard and I don’t know of any competing evidence.) Also no offense to the aforementioned schools.

Disregard the following if you aren’t worried about college credit just rigor.

But as Grace said transferring credits is fairly important. For example all (public) schools in Wash St use the same numbering system so it’s super easy to transfer credit from one school to another state school. Usally your chances increase of schools accepting the transfer credit if it’s a nearby school (ie Toledo to UMich and if the school is well known as there’s a better likelihood that someone else has transferred this it’s easier to “calculate” what your credit consists of. For example transferring from X Washington St Community college to Ohio state is highly diffucult but Toledo to UMich is highly likely to be “accepted”.

Hope this helps and feel free to comment if you’s like clarification as I’d be more than happy to help! Just know the transfer is highly rule of thumb.

Edit: spelling

4 years ago

It all really depends on what college you plan to go to. Some universities would accept your college biology course as college credit and acknowledge that you took a postsecondary course. However, some colleges simply don't accept courses like that and prefer AP credits. I know this didn't really answer your question exactly, but as I said, it all depends on where you plan to go. So I suggest doing some research and then deciding which path would be more beneficial for you.

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