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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How accurate are collegevine's "chances of getting into {blank} college" meter?

Do not leave specific stats of your own or someone else because this question might get blocked. But I just want to know if collegevine knows what they are talking about or if I should take it with a grain of salt?


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2 answers

4 years ago

With everything I would say take it with a grain of salt. From my time on here and the live streams I've been to I can definitely say they know a lot. Personally, as I've gotten more things done my profile has gotten better along with my chances but it all goes down to the specific school. One of my top choices really values community. So even if your at the top of everything and an A+ student if they don't think you would fit well at their school you'll get rejected. Also there are some things like special circumstances that college vine can't account for that could help or hurt your chances. In my opinion if your profile is as complete as possible I would say it is about 85% accurate varying a bit from school to school according to their values and your essays.

4 years ago

So in my experience CV is far and away the best chancing engine. No other includes demographics and extracurriculars. It doesn't include essays but it makes sense as it's super subjective. There also are some errors like someone had a 60% chance at Harvard (I personally say no one has better than a coinflip at Harvard if that) and I played with my stats and if I made myself black (nothing else) I increased from 20 to 80 for an elite public school (UCLA UMICH UVA caliber) as an OOS student. But despite some issues, it is far and away the best engine on the net.

I do think it slightly overestimates at top school. Like at my dream school a 12 percent chance my gut tells me it's more like half that.

Hope this helps and feel to ask clarification questions. Id be happy to help.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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