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Looking to study Chemistry in Pennsylvania? We've compiled a list of the Best Colleges For Chemistry In Pennsylvania. Learn more about each school below and calculate your chances of acceptance.

10 Colleges
#7 College for chemistry
Pittsburgh, PA
$65KIn-state tuition
$65KOut-of-state tuition
#9 College for chemistry
Philadelphia, PA
$56KIn-state tuition
$56KOut-of-state tuition
#30 College for chemistry
Haverford, PA
$63KIn-state tuition
$63KOut-of-state tuition
#34 College for chemistry
Swarthmore, PA
$59KIn-state tuition
$59KOut-of-state tuition
#41 College for chemistry
Pittsburgh, PA
$20KIn-state tuition
$36KOut-of-state tuition
#44 College for chemistry
University Park, PA
$19KIn-state tuition
$36KOut-of-state tuition
#74 College for chemistry
Philadelphia, PA
$20KIn-state tuition
$35KOut-of-state tuition
#76 College for chemistry
Villanova, PA
$61KIn-state tuition
$61KOut-of-state tuition
#77 College for chemistry
Philadelphia, PA
$60KIn-state tuition
$60KOut-of-state tuition
#93 College for chemistry
Bryn Mawr, PA
$58KIn-state tuition
$58KOut-of-state tuition