Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.
Hey guys, I've never been in detention before, and I just got one for being late to class twice. Can anyone tell me what actually happens during high school detention? I'm a bit stressed about it!
Hi everyone! I'm super into fashion and would love to find an internship related to it before I head to college. Does anyone know of any fashion internships or programs available for high school stude …
I am having trouble understanding BU's current essay prompt. Can someone please clarify the prompt for me and give me some pointers on how to approach it? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Hey, so I just moved to a new school, and they have both NHS and NJHS societies. Can someone explain the main differences between the two and how to choose which one to join? Thanks!
Hi, all! I'm currently researching Division III schools, but I'm having a little trouble narrowing down my options. Any advice on how to find the right fit or resources to help me with my search? Than …
Hey there! I'm a junior in high school, and I'm starting to think about my college essays. I want to write about my leadership experiences but I need some inspiration. Does anyone have any examples of …
Hey there! I'm considering taking AP US History (APUSH) next year, but I'm a little nervous about its difficulty. For those who have taken it or are currently taking it, do you think it's a hard class …
Hey fellow juniors! I've been hearing some mixed opinions about the August SAT and its curve. Does anyone have any insight into whether the curve for the August SAT is usually good or not? Thanks!
Hey everyone! I've been researching the college process and I can't seem to find a definitive answer. Does Princeton offer interviews to applicants, and if so, what should I expect?
Does anyone know if MIT offers any summer research programs for high school students? If so, what's the application process like and what kind of research opportunities are available?
I'm interested in majoring in psychology, but I'm curious about how hard the coursework typically is. Would you guys consider psychology to be an easy major, or does it depend on the school?
I've been invited for an interview with a Princeton alum! Super excited but anxious too. Can anyone give me some tips on what to expect or how I should prepare for the interview?
Hey everyone! So, I came across the National Youth Science Camp and was wondering if it's considered prestigious in terms of college admissions? Any opinions or experiences?
Hey friends, I'm gearing up for the ACT and I was wondering if the TI-Nspire CX calculator is allowed? I'd hate to arrive on test day and find out I can't use it!
Hey y'all, I'm considering joining my school's HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) club. What are some benefits or advantages of being a part of HOSA? Would it be a valuable experience in te …
Hey guys, I am applying to colleges this year and I'm interested in the University of Maryland. What essay prompts should I expect when applying? Any advice on how to tackle them?
Hey everyone! I'm working on my app for Johns Hopkins, and I was wondering if anyone could share their successful essays or where I could find some samples? It'd be great to see what worked for others …
I've been juggling school and helping my family, and I've dedicated a significant amount of time to family responsibilities. How do I highlight this in the activities section on the Common App? Can so …
I've been looking into pursuing a career in tech and I'm a bit confused about the difference between a computer engineer and a software engineer. Can someone help clarify the differences between these …
Hi everyone! My GPA is a 2.84 and I'm wondering if that's considered a good GPA for college admissions. If not, what should I focus on in my applications to make up for it? Really appreciate any advic …