Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.
I know UK is huge on basketball, but I'd love to learn more about the campus life and culture. What are some fun facts or interesting things about UK that prospective students might not find on a regu …
So I was looking through some college enrollment forms and saw that some colleges require a meningitis vaccine. Does anyone know why it's so important to them and if it's a common requirement across m …
Saw some summer offerings from Ivy Tech for high school students. Does anyone have experience with their courses, and do you think it’s a good use of my summer prepping for college?
Stressed junior here! I'm trying to balance out my academics and extracurriculars but I’m not sure if I need to take a fourth year of science. Do most colleges require four years or can I get by with …
Hey everyone, so quick question - I'm considering taking music appreciation next semester. Do you think it's viewed positively by admissions officers? Does it show well-roundedness, or is it considere …
Hey guys, I'm pretty confused about the whole financial aid part of applying to colleges. I know about the FAFSA, but are you required to file it as part of your college application, or is it just for …
I'm considering signing up for a personal finance class next semester to prep for real life. Do you guys think this kind of class would improve my college application or should I focus on more traditi …
Hey, so my math journey has been a bit bumpy, and I'm feeling uneasy. Just how essential is Algebra 2 for college admissions? Will it be a deal-breaker if I don't have it on my transcript?
Hey everyone, I'm a junior looking into distance learning options and I came across Penn Foster, which seems pretty flexible. I need to work part-time, so I'm trying to find colleges similar to Penn F …
Hello! I have the option to take dual enrollment classes at a local college and I'm kinda interested. How do these courses factor into the college admissions process? Are they viewed favorably, or sho …
I'm a junior looking forward to studying psychology in college. I've heard that some colleges offer summer programs for high school students. Do you guys know if there are good psychology courses avai …
Hey guys, I'm getting a bit anxious about my med school apps in a couple of years. I’m involved in a few clubs but what kind of extracurriculars do med schools actually want to see? Should I be focusi …
As someone who's planning my high school classes, I'm a bit lost with what math classes I should aim for. What's the typical math class progression in high school, and are there any specific ones coll …
Hey guys! I'm trying to plan out my schedule for the next couple of years, and I'm a bit confused about the optimal order for taking science classes. Does anyone have insight into what sequence is usu …
Hey everyone, junior year has been a whirlwind so far, and I've been trying to balance everything out. I just realized the PSAT is coming up sooner than I thought, and I haven't started prepping yet! …
Hello everyone! I'm considering applying to a community college as one of my options and I'm curious if they typically require ACT scores or if it's more of an open admissions policy without the need …
Hey folks, a little stressed about planning for the future here. Does anyone know what the typical math course progression is for students aiming for competitive colleges? Like, is Calculus a must-hav …
Can anyone tell me whether PSAT scores are a good predictor of SAT scores? Just trying to get a sense of how much more prep I might need for the SAT based on my PSAT results.
Quick question: if I take high school science classes that offer college credit, will that give me a leg up in the college admissions process? How do colleges view these types of classes compared to A …
Hey everyone! I'm starting to narrow down my college list, and I'm super interested in UPenn. I've heard bits and pieces about its reputation, but could someone provide more specifics? What kind of pr …