I am a senior right now and have decided I will take next year to save money and do generals at our local college. I really want to go forward with majoring in theatre, and I'm thinking on a dream school of mine, NYU. I have a 3.6 GPA. What are some things I should be focusing on for the following year to be closer to getting into NYU. My percentage is at 12% likely, so I would love to take the next year to improve.
I think you are doing something that more HS students trying to get into their dream schools should be doing if they know they can't get in with their current stats and ECs etc.
As a transfer student, the NYU admit rate is almost 24.6% versus 12.2% or about twice the rate.
I would focus on taking college courses that have a high probability of getting transfer credit at NYU. So look at their core or freshman requirements and figure out what kind of classes most NYU students take 1st year. Then enroll in similar classes at your community college. Getting As in them will be very important.
Then since you are applying as a theatre major, I would get as much experience as possible acting in community arts theatre companies etc so your portfolio will look more impressive than it does right now.
I wouldn't worry about SAT/ACT test scores because it doesn't matter as a transfer student. Make sure you research the NYU transfer process thoroughly. Since they state most successful candidates have 32 credits prior to enrollment, I highly recommend that you start strong and take 2 college course over this summer to start building a strong base.
Good luck.
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Thanks for the link. @bloons tower defense