8 months ago
Admissions Advice

Penn State

How competitive is Penn State Smeal College of Business to get into for Undergrad?

@Wroke19707 months ago

According to sources like yocket.com/universities/pennsylvania-state-university-808 geometry dash world, the acceptance rate for Smeal is around 19%, significantly lower than the overall Penn State acceptance rate of 55%.

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3 answers

8 months ago

Penn State Smeal College of Business is highly competitive for undergraduate admissions. Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:

Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate for Smeal is significantly lower than the overall Penn State rate. While Penn State University boasts a 55% acceptance rate, Smeal only accepts around 19% of applicants. This makes it quite selective.

Average GPA and Test Scores: While official information on average GPA isn't available, sources like The Princeton Review mention an average GPA of 3.30. Standardized test scores are important too, with median SAT scores around 1330-1460 and median ACT scores around 31-34.

Additional Factors: Smeal doesn't just look at numbers. Your application package should also highlight your leadership, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations. Demonstrating business acumen and interest is crucial.

Overall Competitiveness: Considering the low acceptance rate, strong academic profile requirements, and emphasis on holistic review, Smeal is undoubtedly competitive. It stands among the top undergraduate business programs in the US.

Remember, competitiveness also depends on your individual profile and specific goals. Research thoroughly, understand your strengths, and present yourself effectively to maximize your chances.

8 months ago[edited]

Penn State is too selective, i think Smeal is too challenging for everyone. Best wishes!

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8 months ago

Hi! The acceptance rate for Penn State overall is 55%, and Smeal College of Business has a 19% undergraduate acceptance rate, so it's pretty selective! Best of luck to you! :)

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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