CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Looking for easiest Goal 5 classes in college, any ideas?

Hey, guys! So, I've read that some colleges have a Goal 5 requirement (related to social responsibility and ethical reasoning), and I'm curious. For those who've navigated this, do you have any input …

a month ago

Seeking advice: easiest global and cultural awareness class in college?

Hi all! I'm a junior who's beginning to think about college, beyond just getting accepted. I'm interested in global and cultural awareness classes. However, given the workload I'm expecting, I'm also …

a month ago

What are the easiest jobs to land as a college student?

What's up, peeps. I'm trying to balance my classes, social life, and now I'm thinking about a job too. I can't squeeze in a tough job along with my studies, so I'm wondering what the easiest jobs to g …

a month ago

Jobs to consider that are easy to juggle along with college studies?

Hey there, I'm about to step into my junior year and I've been thinking of getting a job. Although, I am not looking for anything too demanding that might interfere with my grades. What 'easy' jobs di …

a month ago

What are the Differences Between Military Branches under DoD?

Hey everyone. I'm currently a high school junior considering the various military branches post-graduation. I understand they're all under the Department of Defense, but how do they really differ? Wha …

a month ago

How Does Pay Vary by Military Branch?

Hi guys, I'm considering a career in the military straight out of high school instead of going to college. I'm trying to weigh my options and make an informed decision. I know that all the branches ha …

a month ago

Easier jobs to get with a college degree?

As I'm heading into my senior year, I’m stressed about the job market and finding employment. What are some 'easier' jobs to get or industries to break into with just a bachelor’s degree? Has anyone g …

a month ago

Military Branches and Foreign Bases

Can anyone break this down for me - do the different branches of the military share foreign bases, or do certain bases only belong to specific branches? It could really help me figure out where I migh …

a month ago

Continuity of Medical Documents in Military Branch Transfers?

Hello folks! I'm giving serious thought to the military but I'd like to know, do medical documents carry over when you transfer from one military branch to another? Like, if I started in the Coast Gua …

a month ago

Looking for recommendations on easier jobs to juggle while in college.

Hey! I'm a rising college junior and I’m trying to find a part-time job that won’t interfere much with my studies. What are the 'easy' jobs that students typically get while in college?

a month ago

Easy job suggestions for current college students?

Hi guys! I'm currently a junior at college and am overwhelmed with balancing academics and financial needs. What are potentially 'easy' jobs that I can take up while studying in college? Any advice ap …

a month ago

Infantry in Different Military Branches?

Hello! I know that the Army has infantry, but do other branches of the military have their own forms of infantry? I'm really drawn to the idea of being an infantry soldier, but I'm not sure if the Arm …

a month ago

ROTC programs in military branches - are they all the same?

Hello, I'm thinking about going the ROTC route in college but I'm slightly overwhelmed. I know different branches of the military have their own ROTC programs, but are they all the same? If not, what …

a month ago

Do different military branches have distinctive MREs?

This might seem like an odd question, but I'm a foodie who also wants to enlist after graduation. Do the different military branches offer different types, or brands, of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)? Any …

a month ago

Hair Regulations in the Military

Hey guys, I've got a slightly funny question - do all military branches require you to shave your head? I mean, striking a balance between personal expression and uniformity is tricky after all. Does …

a month ago

Lawyers in the Military

Hey, a bit confused here. I've been considering joining the military, but I also have an interest in law. Just curious, do all military branches have their own lawyers? How exactly does that work?

a month ago

GI Bill Benefits Across Military Branches

Hey there! I've been hearing a lot about benefits provided by the GI Bill for military personnel who wish to continue their studies after their service. Is it provided by all branches of the military …

a month ago

Question about Military Boot Camp

Hey everyone, as an alternative to going straight into college, I've been exploring the possibility of joining the military first. Do all branches of the military require you to go through boot camp o …

a month ago

MOS Codes Usage Across Military Branches

Hey, I came across this term 'MOS codes' in my research about military as a post-high-school path. Do all the branches of military service use MOS codes? Could someone elaborate on what these codes ar …

a month ago

Understanding the Division of Military Branches?

Hey everyone, I'm weighing my post-graduation life paths and the military is on the list of considerations. I find that I'm a bit confused about the division of branches in the military. Could anyone …

a month ago
Displaying questions 28281-28300 of 115881 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.