CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

What should I consider when choosing an early decision school?

I'm thinking about applying early decision to one of my top-choice colleges, but I'm not sure how to make the final decision. What factors should I consider when choosing an early decision school, and …

9 months ago

Will having a YouTube channel help my college application?

Hey everyone! I have a YouTube channel where I make educational content and it's been somewhat successful. I'm wondering if I should include it on my college application and, if so, how much weight it …

9 months ago

How do I find my 'voice' in my college essay?

Hey guys! I'm struggling to find my own 'voice' while writing my college essays. I want to sound genuine and authentic, but I'm not sure how to achieve that. Any tips or advice on finding my voice and …

9 months ago

How do I ask for an extension on my college application deadline?

Hello, I'm a junior and I'm having some trouble meeting a college application deadline due to unforeseen circumstances. Can anyone offer advice on how to request an extension from the admissions offic …

9 months ago

Is tutoring counted as an extracurricular activity?

Hey all, I have been tutoring some younger students in math after school. Can I list tutoring as one of my extracurricular activities on my college application? Thanks in advance for your help!

9 months ago

Is it okay to submit the same essay for multiple scholarships?

I've written an essay that I think is really strong and I'm planning to use it for my college applications. Can I also submit it for different scholarship opportunities, or should I write a new essay …

9 months ago

Will taking a gap year hurt my chances of getting into a good college?

Hey guys, I'm a high school junior and I've been considering taking a gap year after graduation. I'm worried that it might hurt my chances of getting into a good college, though. Is this a legitimate …

9 months ago

Do I need to have a high school job or internship?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior, and I've been wondering if having a high school job or internship is important for college admissions. Is it something that's expected, or can I focus on other aspects of m …

9 months ago

Is applying for financial aid harmful to my chances of admission?

I'm a junior and I'm starting to think about college applications. I know I'll need financial aid, but I've heard that applying for it can hurt my chances of getting accepted. Is this true? I'm feelin …

9 months ago

Is going to the gym considered an extracurricular?

Hey guys, I spend a lot of time at the gym and I'm passionate about fitness. Can going to the gym be considered an extracurricular activity? Thanks for any help!

9 months ago

Any tips for writing about a difficult or emotional experience in my college essay?

I want to share a deeply personal and emotional experience in my college essay, but I'm not sure how to approach it without sounding too negative or oversharing. Do you have any suggestions on how to …

9 months ago

What should I wear for my college interview?

Hi guys! I have a college interview coming up and I'm not sure what to wear. What's appropriate attire for this type of event? I want to make a good impression. Thanks!

9 months ago

How do I request a college fee waiver?

I'm in need of some financial assistance for college application fees. I've heard there's a possibility to request a fee waiver, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Can anyone help me out?

9 months ago

Can I talk about mental health in my college essay?

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask for your opinion on discussing mental health in my college essay. My experiences with mental health struggles have played a big part in my life, but I'm worried that it …

9 months ago

What's the best way to brainstorm college essay topics?

Hey guys, I'm struggling to come up with a good topic for my college essay. What are some methods you've used to brainstorm ideas? I want to make sure my essay stands out and represents me well. Thank …

9 months ago

Do colleges really care about legacy status?

Hey everyone! So, my parents both went to the same university, and I was wondering if their legacy status would have any impact on my application. Is it something that colleges really care about, or i …

9 months ago

How do I avoid sounding pretentious in my college essay?

While writing my college essay, I'm worried that I might accidentally come off as pretentious when I mention my achievements and experiences. Any tips on how to balance humility and authenticity with …

9 months ago

Is it okay to write about a personal challenge in my college essay?

Hello! I'm a junior, and as I begin to brainstorm ideas for my college essays, I'm considering writing about a personal challenge I've faced. However, I'm worried that it might come across as complain …

9 months ago

How do I ask for a recommendation letter from a teacher I haven't talked to in a while?

Hey guys! I want to ask a teacher from my sophomore year for a recommendation letter, but we haven't talked much since then. How should I approach them? Thanks for any suggestions!

9 months ago

Is it necessary to visit college campuses before applying?

Hi there! I'm a junior and I've been researching different colleges online, but I haven't had the chance to visit many campuses in person. Is it really important to visit colleges before applying, or …

9 months ago
Displaying questions 66201-66220 of 68458 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.