CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

How do I balance schoolwork and preparing for college applications?

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior and I'm finding it difficult to balance my schoolwork with preparing for college applications. Any tips on how to manage my time effectively so I can do well in b …

9 months ago

Which extracurriculars should I focus on to strengthen my application?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior, and I've been thinking a lot about college applications lately. I have a pretty decent GPA and test scores, but I feel like my extracurriculars could use some improvement. …

9 months ago

Can you give me some advice on writing a strong college essay?

Hi all! I'm a junior starting to think about my college essays. I'm not the best writer, and I'm feeling a bit stressed about crafting a strong essay. Do you have any tips or advice on how to make my …

9 months ago

What should I consider when asking for a fee waiver for college applications?

I'm struggling financially and I think I might qualify for a fee waiver for my college applications. How do I go about requesting one, and what information should I be prepared to provide to prove my …

9 months ago

Should I consider attending a college with a co-op program?

Hi guys, I'm a junior and I've been researching colleges with co-op programs. What are the benefits of attending a college with a co-op program and should I consider it? I'm a little unsure, so any ad …

9 months ago

How do I decide which colleges to apply to for Early Action?

Hello everyone! I'm a junior and I'm considering applying Early Action to some colleges. I'm not sure how to decide which colleges to apply to for Early Action, and I'm hoping someone here can offer s …

9 months ago

How to choose between a liberal arts college and a research university?

Hello! I'm a junior and I've been researching different types of colleges, but I'm having trouble deciding between a liberal arts college and a research university. What are the main differences betwe …

9 months ago

Can I apply for financial aid after submitting my college applications?

Hello everyone! I'm a high school junior and I'm planning to apply for financial aid, but I'm not sure when I should do it. Can I apply for financial aid after submitting my college applications, or s …

9 months ago

How do I decide if I should apply to a college with binding early decision?

Hey there! I'm a junior and I'm starting to research colleges. One school I'm interested in offers binding early decision, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit. How did you guys decide if applying …

9 months ago

How can I make my application more competitive for top-tier colleges?

Hi! I'm a junior aiming for some top-tier colleges, and I wanted to know what I could do to make my application more competitive. I have decent grades and test scores, but I'm worried that might not b …

9 months ago

Is it alright to use abbreviations in college essays?

Hi all! I'm currently writing my college essay, and I'm wondering if it's acceptable to use abbreviations (e.g., 'etc.', 'i.e.') in the text. I want my essay to flow well and be easy to read, but I al …

9 months ago

What are the benefits of attending college fairs?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior and I'm wondering if it's worth attending college fairs. Do they actually provide valuable information, or are they just marketing events for colleges? Thanks for your help!

9 months ago

Is it acceptable to use 'I' in my college essay?

As I'm writing my college essay, I realized I've been using the word 'I' quite a bit. Is it appropriate to use personal pronouns in this context, or should I focus on writing more formally? I apprecia …

9 months ago

How to write a strong college application resume?

Hello! I'm a junior and I'm trying to put together a resume for my college applications. What should I include, and how can I make it stand out? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

9 months ago

What should I do if I can't afford to visit all the colleges on my list?

Hi, I'm a junior and I've been building my list of colleges to apply to, but I'm realizing that I might not be able to afford to visit all of them. Are there any alternatives to in-person visits, or w …

9 months ago

Do you think it's necessary to include a title for your college essay?

I'm kinda stressed about my college application essays. I've heard different opinions on whether to give your essay a title or not. What do you guys think? Is it better to have one or is it fine witho …

9 months ago

Can I submit art or creative writing as part of my college application?

Hello! I'm a high school junior and I'm passionate about art and creative writing. I'm wondering if I can submit my work as part of my college application to showcase my talents. Is this possible, and …

9 months ago

How do you choose a college major?

Hi everyone, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed trying to decide on a major for college. How did you guys choose your majors? Do you have any advice for someone who's struggling to figure out what they wan …

9 months ago

Do colleges prefer AP classes or dual enrollment?

Hi all! I'm a junior, and I've been trying to plan out my schedule for senior year. My school offers both AP classes and dual enrollment options, and I'm not sure which one colleges prefer. Can anyone …

9 months ago

How do I determine my chances of getting into a certain college?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior in high school, and I'm trying to figure out my chances of getting into the colleges on my list. I know there's no surefire way to predict admissions results, but is there a …

9 months ago
Displaying questions 66261-66280 of 68477 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.