CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

How to demonstrate interest in a college?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior, and I've heard that demonstrating interest in a college can improve your chances of getting in. What are some ways to show a college that you're genuinely interested in atte …

10 months ago

What are the benefits of attending a college fair?

Hi guys! I'm a high school junior, and I've heard about college fairs happening in my area. I'm not sure if it's worth attending one, though. What are the benefits of going to a college fair, and what …

10 months ago

Do colleges consider demonstrated interest?

Hello, I'm a high school junior and I've been researching different colleges. I came across the term 'demonstrated interest' and was wondering how much colleges actually take this into account during …

10 months ago

How important are extracurriculars in the college admissions process?

Hey everyone! So, I'm currently a junior and I'm starting to really think about college applications. I've been pretty active in a few clubs and organizations at school, but I'm worried it might not b …

10 months ago

Do I need to have a specific major in mind when applying?

Hey guys, I'm a junior, and I'm starting to think about college applications. I'm not exactly sure what I want to major in yet. Is it necessary to decide on a major before applying, or can I still get …

10 months ago

How many colleges should I apply to?

Hello! I'm a junior and I'm starting to think about my college applications. I'm not sure how many colleges I should apply to. What's a good number to aim for? Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

10 months ago

How do I choose between Early Action and Early Decision?

Hello! I'm a junior and I've been hearing a lot about Early Action and Early Decision. I know they're different, but I'm not sure which one is right for me. What are some factors I should consider whe …

10 months ago

How do I decide on a major for college?

Hello everyone! I'm a high school junior and I'm starting to think about what I want to study in college. I'm not sure how to choose a major. Can anyone offer any advice or tips? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

How do I find the right college fit for me?

Hey everyone, I'm a high school junior, and I'm a little bit stressed about finding a college that's a good fit for me. I've been researching colleges, but there are just so many options! How did you …

10 months ago

Will being a first-generation college student help my chances?

Hello! I'm a first-generation college student, and I'm curious if this status will have any impact on my chances of being admitted to competitive colleges. Can anyone share their experiences or knowle …

10 months ago

Do colleges prefer AP or IB classes?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and I'm trying to decide between taking AP and IB classes next year. I've heard that some colleges prefer one over the other, but I'm not sure which one that is. Can anyone …

10 months ago

What's the difference between Early Decision and Early Action?

Hey all! I've been hearing about Early Decision and Early Action, but I'm not quite sure about the differences between them. Can anyone explain the main differences and which one might be a better fit …

10 months ago

Can I submit an art portfolio even if I'm not applying for an art major?

Hi everyone! So I'm really passionate about art and I've been working on my portfolio for a while now. However, I'm planning to major in computer science. Is it still a good idea to submit my art port …

10 months ago

How can I improve my time management skills during the college application process?

Hey guys, I'm a junior, and I'm starting to feel the pressure of the college application process. I'm struggling to balance schoolwork, extracurriculars, and preparing for college applications. Can an …

10 months ago

Do colleges look at freshman year grades?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and I'm worried about how my freshman year grades will affect my college applications. Do colleges look at freshman year grades, or do they mainly focus on sophomore and jun …

10 months ago

Can I submit an arts supplement if I'm not majoring in the arts?

Hi everyone! I've been involved in music throughout high school, and I'm considering submitting an arts supplement with my college applications. However, I'm not planning on majoring in music. Is it s …

10 months ago

Can I still get into a good college with a lower GPA?

Hi, I'm a junior with a 3.2 GPA and I'm feeling a bit stressed about college admissions. I know my GPA isn't that high, but I've been really involved in extracurriculars and have a good SAT score. Can …

10 months ago

How do I make the most of college visits?

Hi all! I'm planning on visiting some colleges this year, and I want to make sure I get the most out of these visits. What should I do during the visit, and what questions should I ask to get a better …

10 months ago

How can I balance school, extracurriculars, and college applications?

Hello! I'm feeling a bit stressed trying to balance my schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and college applications. Do you have any tips on how to manage my time effectively and stay on top of ev …

10 months ago

How do I make a college visit productive?

Hey guys, I'm a junior, and I'm planning some college visits soon. I want to make sure I get the most out of these visits, but I'm not sure what to look for or what questions to ask. Can anyone give m …

10 months ago
Displaying questions 67101-67120 of 68467 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.