Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.
Stressed junior here. I've been doing some research on Fordham University, and it's starting to seem like a strong contender. What I can't seem to figure out though, is the average SAT score they typi …
Hey guys, has anyone received their financial aid package from UC Berkeley yet? I'm feeling a little bit antsy and I'm just curious about the average award amount. Is there anything specific about the …
Yo, I'm a junior trying to figure out my schedule for next year. I'm curious about what benefits there might be in taking extracurricular classes, like cooking or video production. Is it worth giving …
Hello peeps! I've been thinking about broadening my horizons and looking into more extra-curricular activities this year. Anyone willing to give me an insight into what extra-curricular activities the …
So I've been doing a bit of ACT prep lately. The English section's a bit of a puzzle to me. Could someone explain how the scoring for the English section works? I've seen some score charts, but I'm no …
Hello, people of the Internet. I’ve been hearing some talk about 'easy' degrees and I'm curious if they're worth considering. I mean, does 'easy' mean less rigorous academic schedule or more job possi …
Everyone keeps telling me AP classes are good for college credit, but how exactly does that work? Do all colleges give credit for them? And how much of a difference does it make when you're fulfilling …
I'm a bit stressed out with the whole weighted/unweighted GPA situation. Does anyone know if colleges mainly look at our weighted GPA or the normal one? Also, how do they view GPAs from different high …
Yo, I feel a bit overwhelmed here. I heard that SAT results are now being released digitally but I'm kinda fuzzy on how it actually works. Is there like a dedicated portal where I can check my results …
Hey there! I'm really keen on applying to DePaul University, but I can't seem to figure out what their GPA requirement is. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Thanks a lot!
Hey everyone, I am starting to explore my options for after high school and someone mentioned a 'trade school'. Can someone describe what a trade school is and how it differs from a traditional colleg …
Hey, I'm planning on taking the SAT in December. I'm wondering, after taking the exam, how long do I have to wait before I can access my scores online? Tryna plan my college applications around this, …
Hey everyone! I'm currently studying for the AP Euro exam and trying to get my head around how the DBQ is scored. Could someone help me understand the DBQ AP Euro rubric in detail? Thanks a ton!
Hey guys, this semester has been rough and, long story short, my GPA is around a D-. To be honest, I'm pretty bummed out and a little scared about my college prospects. Can I still get into college wi …
Hey peeps, got a question: anybody ever used one of those composite score ACT calculators? Are they accurate and could they provide a good estimate of what I might actually get on the actual test? Tha …
Hey folks, I've been doing a lot of community service throughout high school and I was thinking about how to incorporate this into my college essay. What's the best way to frame this so that I don't j …
Hey, so I'm currently maintaining a B average across my subjects, and while I'm working to improve that, I really want to start getting a feel for what colleges I might have a good shot at. What are s …
Hi all, can anyone enlighten me about the acceptance rate for Clemson Honors College? I've got mostly A's and a pretty decent SAT score, but still feeling a bit stressed out about the whole process. A …
Hello everyone, I have my sights set on Clemson for college but my GPA isn't the best right now. Anyone knows what their GPA requirement is? And any tips on how I could boost my chances of getting in …
Hey folks, currently working on my applications and CUNY colleges have got my attention. I'm a bit nervous since I want to get it right. Anyone got insights on what kind of admissions process they fol …