CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

How to tackle early college application deadlines without panicking?

Does anyone have strategies for dealing with all these early college application deadlines? I feel like they're coming up fast and I'm worried I'll miss something important or not give myself enough t …

9 months ago

Easy APs to boost my schedule?

Hey guys, so next year is gonna be pretty hectic for me, and I'm looking to add a couple of AP classes that are known to be on the lighter side. I already have a solid amount of rigorous courses, but …

9 months ago

How do the SAT and ACT really compare, and which one should I choose?

Hey peeps, I'm in a bind. I need to decide whether to take the SAT or ACT, but I'm not really clear on how they stack up against each other. Like, is the math harder on one? Or one is better if I've g …

9 months ago

Are there HBCUs that offer robust zoology programs?

Hey everyone, I'm super passionate about wildlife and looking to major in zoology. I've been really interested in attending an HBCU, but I'm having trouble finding information about HBCUs with strong …

9 months ago

How do you pick the best SAT/ACT test dates?

Hi everyone, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with deciding on which test dates I should sign up for the SAT/ACT. I'm a junior and I want to make sure I have enough time to prep and possibly retake if ne …

9 months ago

How to determine the hardest science major?

Hi everyone! I’m in the midst of deciding on my potential major for college apps, and I'm really curious about the sciences. I was wondering, which science majors do people often consider the hardest, …

9 months ago

Navigating the FAFSA: What tax info do I need from my parents?

Hey everyone, I'm a bit confused about the whole FAFSA situation. Could someone explain exactly what kind of tax information I need to get from my parents? They're not super tech-savvy, so I'm trying …

9 months ago

What's the real difference between a B.A. and B.S. in Biology?

I’m trying to figure out if I should go for a B.A. or B.S. in Biology. What exactly is the difference, and does it matter in terms of job prospects or grad school later on? Does one look better to col …

9 months ago

Is joining an HBCU majorette team beneficial for college apps?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and I've been part of my high school's dance team for a few years now. I'm totally into the whole HBCU majorette scene and was wondering how much would being on a majorette …

9 months ago

Writing about yourself in essays without bragging?

So, writing about myself is... weird. I want to showcase my accomplishments and growth without coming off as pretentious in my essays. Any tips on striking that balance?

9 months ago

Poetry contests open to high school students?

I deeply enjoy writing poetry and I'm considering entering into competitions. Does anyone know of any poetry contests that are currently open for high school students? I'm hoping to both challenge mys …

9 months ago

Seeking Grants for Hispanic Women - Any Guidance?

Hi friends, I'm a Hispanic female student looking to apply for grants and I've heard there might be specific ones for someone with my background. Does anyone have experience with finding these grants …

9 months ago

How do HBCU week activities impact admissions?

Hey everyone, been hearing a lot about HBCU week and the different events they have. Does participating in HBCU week activities give you any sort of edge or look good on college apps, especially if yo …

9 months ago

Feeling anxious because I don't have any awards or honors!

Is it just me, or does everyone have a long list of awards for their apps? I'm really worried because I don't have any significant awards or honors to add to my application. Will this put me at a big …

9 months ago

Is a mid-year report necessary for my Northeastern application?

Feeling a bit stressed here because I've heard different things from different people. I know some schools require a mid-year report, but does anyone know if Northeastern specifically asks for this? I …

9 months ago

HBCUs with reputable Pre-Med programs?

Yo! I'm sweating a bit here thinking about the future. I’m aiming to become a doctor and I've been looking into HBCUs that have solid pre-med programs. Do any of you know which HBCUs are recognized fo …

9 months ago

Defining 'Current Dependent Status' in Financial Aid Applications

Hey guys! I'm filling out my financial aid forms for college and I came across the term 'current dependent.' Can someone explain what 'current dependent' means in the context of financial aid and how …

9 months ago

Georgetown Restrictive Early Action: How does it affect other applications?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior starting to narrow down my college list and Georgetown has really caught my eye. They have this Restrictive Early Action and I’m wondering how applying REA to Georgetown wil …

9 months ago

Has anyone attended the HBCU Legacy Classic?

Hi! I'm super interested in HBCU traditions and I heard about the HBCU Legacy Classic. Can anyone tell me what it's like? Is it something that leaves a lasting impression or connects students and alum …

9 months ago

Are full scholarship colleges realistic for most students?

Everyone's dream is to go to college on a full ride, but how realistic is that? How do I increase my chances of landing a full scholarship, and where should I be looking for these opportunities?

9 months ago
Displaying questions 106161-106180 of 115993 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.