CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

How do I participate in the Google HBCU program?

Hey friends! I've heard about opportunities through Google for students at HBCUs and I'm a bit confused about how it all works. Does anyone know how to get involved in the Google HBCU program? What ki …

9 months ago

What are the general admission requirements for HBCUs?

As a junior, I'm looking into what different colleges are looking for. I'm especially curious about HBCUs. Does anyone know what the general admission requirements are like for HBCUs? Like GPA, test s …

9 months ago

Acting programs at HBCUs?

Hey everyone! I'm really passionate about acting and I'm considering attending an HBCU. Can anybody shed some light on the strength of acting programs at HBCUs? Are there any standout schools or notab …

9 months ago

What are some must-know SAT rules and regulations before test day?

Hey everyone, I’m gearing up for the SAT and I've heard that there are some pretty specific rules and regulations. Can anyone who’s taken it recently fill me in on what I absolutely need to know befor …

9 months ago

What is the CARES HBCU grant and how do I apply?

Hey everyone, I’ve heard about the CARES HBCU grant but I'm not entirely clear on what it is. Could someone explain what the grant covers and how a high school senior planning to go to an HBCU can app …

9 months ago

Reaching a 3.5 GPA Goal - Any Strategies?

I'm currently a junior and my GPA is a bit lower than I'd like. Any advice on how can I work towards getting at least a 3.5 GPA by the time I apply to colleges?

9 months ago

What to expect during HBCU Week?

So HBCU Week sounds pretty cool and seems like a great way to learn about these schools. Can someone tell me what sort of events or opportunities are typically offered? I'm trying to plan out how I mi …

9 months ago

Where to go for a strong Mathematics program at an HBCU?

Math has always been my strong suit, and I'm keen on pursuing it in college. For those familiar with HBCUs, which have renowned mathematics departments or offer great research opportunities?

9 months ago

What HBCUs offer strong Civil Engineering programs?

Hey folks! I'm a high school junior getting a start on my college search. Engineering's the dream, and civil engineering's the name of the game for me. I've got a deep respect for HBCUs and their hist …

9 months ago

HBCUs for Real Estate Degrees?

Hi all! Does anyone know if there are HBCUs that offer specialized programs in real estate or have a track record with alumni in the real estate industry? I want to blend my heritage with my career am …

9 months ago

HBCUs that don't require SAT scores?

I've been stressing a bit because my SAT scores aren't the best, and I heard some colleges are test-optional now. Do any HBCUs not require SAT scores for admission, and how does that work with the app …

9 months ago

Is it a misconception that HBCUs only accept black students?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to clear up some confusion I have. Someone told me that HBCUs only accept black students, but I'm not sure if that's true. I come from a diverse background, and I'm really inte …

9 months ago

HBCU careers in football - Anyone here part of a football forum or community?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and pretty serious about football. I've been looking into colleges with great football teams and HBCUs have caught my attention. Does anyone know if there are forums or comm …

9 months ago

Best HBCU options for a future in medicine?

I'm currently a high school junior interested in pursuing a career in medicine. I've been looking at HBCUs because I've heard they can offer a supportive and enriching environment. Do any of you guys …

9 months ago

The Columbia Supplement Essays - Where to even start?

Columbia’s supplements are daunting me. They’re known for being intellectual and reflective, and I'm not sure how to begin. Can anyone share how they connected their personal narrative with Columbia’s …

9 months ago

Are there any HBCUs in Nashville, and what's campus life like there?

Hey, I've been trying to find out about HBCUs in Nashville, TN. I'm super interested in the cultural and educational experiences they offer. Does anyone have insights into what campus life is like at …

9 months ago

How are HBCU basketball programs different from other Division 1 schools?

Hey friends, I'm a high school junior and a basketball player considering playing for a Division 1 HBCU. Can anyone share experiences or knowledge about how these programs might differ from non-HBCU D …

9 months ago

Total Number of HBCU Schools?

I'm trying to compile a comprehensive list of HBCUs for my college research. With so much history and the culture they represent, it's important to me to consider them in my application process. Does …

9 months ago

Strong journalism programs at HBCUs?

I've always been drawn to journalism and I want to pursue it at an HBCU. What schools should I be looking at that have robust journalism programs?

9 months ago

Chance me for Texas Southern University?

Hey y'all, I'm looking into HBCUs, and Texas Southern University caught my eye. I'd love to go to an HBCU in Texas, but I'm a little nervous about my GPA. Does anyone know what kind of GPA TSU typical …

9 months ago
Displaying questions 106741-106760 of 115751 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.