Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.
Hey, Notre Dame is on top of my college list and I'm wondering what ACT score they're looking for. Has anybody recently applied there and can shed some light on this?
Hey guys just had a quick question. I'm planning to take my SATs in June before senior year starts and I was wondering when these scores usually get released. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Hey y'all! I've recently taken my SATs in December and I'm super anxious to know my scores. Does anyone know when the December SAT scores usually come out? Thanks in advance!
Hi folks, UW is my dream school, and I'm trying to figure out what GPA I need to have a good shot. Have they declared any official GPA requirements? Or is there an average GPA for accepted applicants …
So, I'm a high school junior in NY and I know I have some Regents exams coming up, but honestly, I'm a little lost about the whole process. Can anyone explain what they are and what I should be expect …
Hey everyone, I'm planning on taking the ACT soon and I'm just trying to get a sense of the score range. Like, what's considered a low, average, or high score? I know I should be at least aiming for t …
Hey guys! There's a lot of conflicting info out there regarding SAT averages for Purdue University. Can anyone help provide clarity on this? What's the average SAT score for students admitted? Is it a …
Hey guys! I'm starting to prep for the PSAT coming up in a little bit and I wanted to ask if anyone here has reliable sources for PSAT example questions? I've found a couple resources online, but they …
Hey all! I've been looking at what AP classes I might want to take next year and got curious. Does anybody know how many AP courses there are in total? Like, all the different subjects that the Colleg …
I'm a high school junior and I've decided to take the ACT as well. I am trying to get a better feel of the testing duration to reinforce my pacing. Could anyone let me know the total length of the tes …
Hi everyone, I need some help with the Document-Based Questions (DBQ) in AP World History. I totally get the content but struggle with structuring my essay and making a sound argument. Can anyone shar …
Hello everyone! I've just finished my IB exams and I'm on tenterhooks waiting for the results. Does anyone know when they typically get released? Thanks in advance.
Hey guys! I'm confused about the SAT and its maximum score. How much can one actually score on it? A little clarity would really help. Thanks!
Hey guys, planning to take the SAT. Just wondering, how much does it cost to take the SAT exam? And, are there any fee waivers available?
Hey all. I've been day-dreaming about Harvard a lot lately. Does anyone know what their acceptance rate is? Like, realistically, what're the odds? And is it harder for international students?
Hey peeps! Heard they changed the SAT format recently, and I'm feeling a little stressed trying to keep up. Can someone break it down for me?
Hello everyone, throughout my research about college applications, I've constantly seen the term 'prospective students'. This might sound dumb, but can someone tell me what exactly it means?
What's up people? I'm starting to look into colleges and Princeton caught my eye. Does anyone have any information about the SAT score ranges that Princeton generally accepts?
Hey guys, I'm curious about the average SAT scores of students admitted to Princeton. An approximate range would be useful. It would be great if I could gauge where I stand comparatively.
Hey everyone! I'm about to ask some of my teachers for letters of recommendation. Can anyone give me an idea of what a strong letter of recommendation looks like? What points should definitely be cove …