CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Are there HBCUs that do not require SAT scores for admissions?

Hello friends, I've heard some colleges are going test-optional these days and I'm curious if this trend has caught on with HBCUs as well. Do you know of any HBCUs that have dropped the SAT requiremen …

9 months ago

Is revising the Common App essay for each college I apply to possible?

Hey everyone! I'm currently polishing up my Common App essay and I had this thought - since each college has a different vibe and what they're looking for in a student might slightly vary, do you thin …

9 months ago

Foreign Language Requirements for College Admissions

Polite inquiry here: Do all colleges require two years of foreign language in high school for admission? I've taken one year of Spanish but I'm not sure if I should continue or focus on other interest …

9 months ago

Are there any benefits to taking a community college's free classes for high school students?

I came across a community college in my area offering free classes to high schoolers. Has anyone tried these, and are they worth it for the college application process? I’m curious if they would give …

9 months ago

How much does having a Personal Finance course in high school matter for college apps?

Okay, so my high school offers this Personal Finance elective, and I’m really interested in it since I plan on majoring in economics. Can anyone tell me if taking this course will make my application …

9 months ago

Do AP courses really make a difference in college admissions?

Hey everyone, I'm a high school junior trying to figure out my schedule for next year. AP courses are super stressful but are they worth it? Like, do they make a big difference when you're applying to …

9 months ago

HBCU Student Experience - How do you find community and support on campus?

Hey, I'm currently researching different colleges, and I'm really curious about the HBCU experience. To any HBCU students here: How's the sense of community on your campus? How do you all support each …

9 months ago

How important is the National Honor Society induction ceremony?

Hey everyone, I’m a bit stressed here because I just got invited to the National Honor Society induction ceremony and I have no clue how crucial it is. Does attending the ceremony impact your membersh …

9 months ago

Representing varsity sports in the Common App - Any suggestions?

Sports has been a HUGE part of my high school life (I'm on the varsity soccer team) and I'm starting to fill out my Common App. How can I describe this in a way that stands out? Should I play up the t …

9 months ago

Do summer courses count toward my high school GPA?

Hey guys, I'm considering taking some classes over the summer to get ahead, and I'm curious if these courses will factor into my overall high school GPA. Does anyone know how this works? Do all high s …

9 months ago

Can I list the National Honor Society as an award on my college applications?

I was recently inducted into the NHS and was wondering if it's appropriate to list it as an award in my college application, or if it's strictly viewed as an extracurricular activity?

9 months ago

Where can I take an online pre-calculus course for high school credit?

I'm trying to get ahead in math to boost my transcript, but I've run into a scheduling conflict at school. Does anyone know a reputable place where I can take an online pre-calculus course that counts …

9 months ago

Time Management for Interviews: How long do college interviews usually last?

Hey folks! So I’m planning out my schedule and trying to figure out how much time college interviews take. How long are they typically, do I need to block out an entire afternoon, or are they just a q …

9 months ago

Is it possible to submit my Common App before my recommenders have sent in their letters?

So, I'm trying to get my apps in early and I'm a bit stressed because my recommenders tend to do things last minute. Quick question: can I submit my Common App even if my recommenders haven't submitte …

9 months ago

Are dual credit classes worth it in high school, and how do I choose which to take?

Okay, so my high school offers dual credit classes and I'm trying to decide if they're worth the effort. Which dual credit classes would be most beneficial for me if I'm undecided about my major, and …

9 months ago

Choosing the Right Virtual High School Courses?

Okay, so I've been looking at my school's virtual course catalog and it's kinda overwhelming with options. How do I decide which virtual high school courses will benefit me the most, especially when c …

9 months ago

At what GPA level do you get honors in high school?

I've been hearing a lot about 'graduating with honors'. Does anyone know what GPA you need to hit in high school to be considered for honors? Is it the same for every school, or does it vary? I'm hopi …

9 months ago

Should I advocate for new classes at my high school?

There are topics like personal finance and coding that aren't currently taught at my high school but seem super important. What would be the best approach to get these kinds of classes included in our …

9 months ago

Pros and cons of online journalism courses for a high schooler?

As an aspiring journalist, I stumbled upon these online journalism classes for high schoolers. Could these classes be beneficial for my college application, or should I focus on extracurriculars like …

9 months ago

Do interviewers have background info on applicants before college interviews?

Hey all, just wondering how blind these college interviews are. Like, do the interviewers get any info on you before they meet you? Or is it completely starting from scratch when you sit down with the …

9 months ago
Displaying questions 110961-110980 of 119224 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.