CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Exploring Virtual High School Classes: How do they compare?

Hey fellow juniors, with all this online learning, I've got to thinking about virtual high school classes. Does anyone have experience with them? How do they compare to in-person classes when it comes …

9 months ago

How should I describe my role in Student Council on the Common App?

As someone who's taken on various responsibilities in Student Council, I'm unsure about the best way to convey this in the Activities Section of the Common App. Should I focus on achievements or my re …

9 months ago

Is there a big difference between Apply Texas and the Common App?

Hi everyone! As a junior starting to look into college apps, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Apply Texas and the Common App. Do colleges prefer one over the other, especially for out-of-st …

9 months ago

When's the best time to take CLEP exams during high school?

Hey everyone! I'm planning out my junior and senior years, and I'm thinking about adding CLEP exams to potentially earn some college credits. When do you guys think is the best time to take these exam …

9 months ago

How do honors classes affect GPA?

Feeling a bit anxious here, folks. I'm trying to figure out if I should take more honors classes next year. Can someone explain how honor classes may raise your GPA compared to regular classes? Is the …

9 months ago

Which Stanford online summer courses are worth it for high school students?

Alright, I've been looking at Stanford's online summer courses for high schoolers and I’m a bit overwhelmed! There are so many options. Anyone here who has taken one and can share their insights? I'm …

9 months ago

How common is it for students to fail a high school course, and how does that affect college admissions?

I'm a bit stressed because I've been struggling in one of my classes this year. Does anyone know what percentage of students fail a class in high school and how that might impact my chances during the …

9 months ago

Do all UCs need letters of recommendation?

Hey guys, juniors unite! I am starting to get my UC application ready and I'm kinda confused—do all the UC colleges require letters of recommendation, or can I skip that part for some of them?

9 months ago

How does community college admission work?

Hello everyone! I'm a junior considering all my options, and honestly, I'm not too keen on drowning in debt. So I'm thinking community college might be the move, at least to start. What are the requir …

9 months ago

Crafting a Stellar Activities List for Common App?

Just a junior trying to get a head start. Anyone have tips on how to make my activities list stand out on the Common App? Should I be focusing on leadership, time commitment, or something else?

9 months ago

How do colleges view study hall periods on high school schedules?

Hey everyone! I've got study hall periods worked into my schedule this year as a junior and I’m wondering how these are viewed by college admissions? Will it look like I’m not taking full advantage of …

9 months ago

Importance of Drama class for a non-theatre major?

Okay, so I'm not planning on majoring in theatre or anything, but I've always enjoyed acting. I want to take Drama class next year, but does anyone know if it's beneficial for the college admissions p …

9 months ago

What should I do after submitting my Common App?

So I hit the submit button on the Common App (woohoo!), but now I’m googling frantically—what are my next steps? Should I be reaching out to my schools or just wait for an email confirmation of some s …

9 months ago

Does my love for theater help with college admissions?

I’m huge into theater and I've been leading our school plays. I’m curious, do universities, say Eastern Michigan University, view this kind of leadership favorably, or should I diversify my activities …

9 months ago

Can I use the Common App for the University of Southern California?

Hey guys, so USC is kind of my dream school and I'm trying to figure out everything in advance. Do you know if USC takes the Common App or do I need to look into another application method?

9 months ago

Would taking online finance courses as a high schooler boost my college app?

Hello fellow students and admissions gurus! I'm currently a junior and seriously considering a career in finance. I found some online financial courses tailored for high schoolers. Do you think taking …

9 months ago

Are there any classes in high school that can truly prepare me for happiness and well-being in college?

Has anyone ever taken or heard of a high school class focused on happiness or well-being? I’m super curious because with all the stress of admissions and keeping grades up, I just wanna know if there …

9 months ago

How does the CLEP exam schedule work for high school students?

Hey everyone, Im starting to plan my junior year and Im thinking of taking some CLEP exams to knock out college credits early. Does anyone know how the CLEP exam schedule typically works for high scho …

9 months ago

Are Personal Statements a Must for All College Applications?

What’s up, fam? I’m in the midst of drafting my application materials and I’m curious - do all colleges require a personal statement? Or are there some that don't bother with it? Just trying to gauge …

9 months ago

Can you help me understand how high school classes are structured?

So, I'm a bit confused about how high school classes work. How are they different from middle school? Are classes more specialized or difficult? Also, how does choosing classes affect my college appli …

9 months ago
Displaying questions 111101-111120 of 119118 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.