CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Are there colleges that don't accept a 3 on AP exams?

I've heard rumors that some colleges won't accept a score of 3 on AP exams for college credit. Is this true? And if so, which ones? It would definitely affect which schools I apply to.

10 months ago

What do colleges look for in application essays?

Alright, so I’m at the point where I'm ready to tackle my college essays, and I'm trying to figure out what exactly colleges are hoping to see in them. Do they want creativity, a demonstration of skil …

10 months ago

Do I need a title for my college application essay?

Quick question, folks! I'm polishing up my essays and I'm not sure if I should include a title or not. Do titles help in making the essay stand out or are they seen as unnecessary by admissions office …

10 months ago

Late AP Exam Registration—Can I Still Make It?

Guys, I've been super swamped with classwork and totally forgot to register for my AP exams. Is it too late to sign up, or is there a late registration period? What's the final cutoff before I absolut …

10 months ago

Stanford GPA Inquiry—Do They Really Check Unweighted GPA?

To all the future Cardinal applicants, what GPA are we supposed to aim for? Do they look at unweighted or weighted more, and what’s the average GPA of a Stanford admit? Feeling the pressure and could …

10 months ago

Looking for colleges with a Block Plan like Colorado College?

Just found out about Colorado College's unique Block Plan where you take one class at a time. It sounds pretty cool and I think it might suit my learning style better. Are there any other colleges out …

10 months ago

What colleges offer a vibe similar to William and Mary but aren't as well known?

Hey everyone, I really love the vibes at the College of William and Mary—the history, the tight-knit community, and the focus on undergraduate teaching. I'm trying to expand my list with schools that …

10 months ago

Are there colleges out there with a similar atmosphere to Spelman?

Spelman College is on my list due to its stellar history of empowering African American women. I'd love to find out if there are more colleges out there that provide the same supportive and enriching …

10 months ago

Cracking the AP Statistics Code?

Stats isn’t clicking for me as I hoped it would, and I've got the AP exam coming up. Did anyone find a certain study method or resource indispensable for understanding the content? Looking to at least …

10 months ago

How many AP exams is it reasonable to take in one year without overwhelming myself?

Hey folks, just trying to plan out my junior year and I'm feeling a bit lost. What do you think is a manageable number of AP exams to take in one year? I really want to challenge myself but also don't …

10 months ago

AP Environmental Science study techniques?

Juniors and seniors, how did y'all tackle studying for the AP Environmental Science exam? I'm juggling a couple of AP classes and need some efficient ways to prep. Also, how much did you rely on outsi …

10 months ago

Choosing between two very similar colleges?

Hey everyone! So I've narrowed my choices down to two colleges that are super similar in terms of the programs they offer, their campus vibe, and their locations. How did you make a decision when it w …

10 months ago

Prep tips for the AP World History exam?

Hey everyone, so I’m taking AP World History this year and I’ve heard it’s pretty heavy on content. How do you guys review for the exam effectively? Any specific strategies or study materials that cou …

10 months ago

Looking for colleges like Simon's Rock for someone who wants an early college experience?

Hey everyone! I've heard about Simon's Rock and how they offer a college experience to students after 10th grade. Are there other colleges that offer a similar program where I can start before finishi …

10 months ago

How do I tell if my college essay is actually good?

I've revised my college essay like a million times by now, but I still can't shake the feeling of doubt. How can I gauge if it's actually hitting the mark and would impress an admissions officer? Does …

10 months ago

Total Number of AP Exams Available to Take?

Hi everyone! I'm planning out my schedule for next year and I'm wondering how many different AP exams there are. I want to challenge myself but also don't want to overcommit. Does anyone have a list o …

10 months ago

How to tackle the AP Calculus BC exam?

Math isn't exactly my strongest suit, and I'm stressed about the AP Calculus BC exam. For those who've succeeded, can you share your experiences on how you prepared effectively and the resources you s …

10 months ago

How are AP exams formatted?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior starting to prep for my AP exams and I'm kinda anxious about how they're structured. Can anyone break down what the format typically looks like for these tests? I'm specific …

10 months ago

Location for Taking AP Exams

This might seem like a silly question, but I'm a bit confused about the logistics. Where exactly are we supposed to take our AP exams? Is there some specific place or does it vary? Thanks for the help …

10 months ago

Is there an actual exam for AP Research?

Hi there! Can someone who's taken AP Research tell me how it works? I'm curious because I heard it doesn't have a traditional exam, but rather a project submission. Does that mean there's no sit-down …

10 months ago
Displaying questions 111941-111960 of 117733 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.