Hello! I am going to need a new laptop for college, are there scholarships for laptops? I saw something about Apple Scholars but I can't find an application or anything.
I was lookig for a way to get the most scholarships I can.
Are there any scholarships to apply for where they hold the money for you until college?
There are thousands of different scholarships, and I do not know exactly where to start. Should I apply for a bunch of smaller scholarships or take the time to fill out the more rewarding ones? Which …
Quick Question:Do you apply for college scholarships to the institute you're going to before or after acceptance?
My goal is to have zero student loan debt out of college. To get to that point I need to exploit every opportunity I can get to help take the load of my expenses.
If I receive an A(100%) in the first quarter, however a B(80%) makes the semester average a 90%, will that be considered?
As of right now, I'm a senior with a 2.5 GPA I have gotten mostly c's so scholarships for my grades or outside of the question I was wondering what is the best way to find an affordable college
I am a freshman in high school with a 4.0.
My kid has been admitted into several colleges but hasn't received firm prices for freshman year. Will they eventually send detailed price breakdowns for tuition, fees and room and board? And firm sch …
I am a Junior and I've found a couple websites for scholarships so far but I was wondering if anyone had some recommendations?
Students must maintain a certain standing in order to continue to be eligible for a scholarship. The requirements for a scholarship after you win typically involve keeping a certain GPA, continuing to …
I’m a senior and I’ve gotten into many school but I don’t know how to see if any money is being given.
Hi! Do you know of any good scholarships for freshmen? Larger monetary value and simplicity are appreciated, but not required. Thanks!
11 grader's struggle
I'm a senior and I was wondering how many scholarships I should aim to apply for each month? Additionally, is it more beneficial to apply for a bunch of sweepstakes like scholarships, ones with specif …
Hey Guys!
Does anyone know the range of scholarships available? The minimum and maximum amount they give out for scholarships at USC for international students?
Elaine Li
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