CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Need Aid: Which Top Colleges Help Most?

I'm a bit stressed about college finances. I was wondering - does anyone here know which top-tier colleges tend to offer the most generous financial aid packages? Any advice or info would be greatly a …

3 days ago

Common Test Format in College?

Hello folks! I'm trying to prepare for what's waiting for me - does anyone know what's the most common test format in college? Multiple choice, essay, something else?

3 days ago

Revenue for College Football Champs?

Does any school consistently make more money from their college football program and how does winning championships factor into this? Just wondering about the economics of it all.

3 days ago

College Textbooks: Which Subject is Most Expensive?

Hey guys, anyone have info regarding which college textbook subjects are the priciest? I'm trying to budget for next fall and thought it could be useful to know.

3 days ago

Leading States for College Football Recruits

Hey everyone! I'm a huge fan of college football and I'm trying to learn more about the recruitment process. Does anyone happen to know which states typically produce the most college football recruit …

3 days ago

Recruitment for College Athletics

Hey all, does anyone know which states are known for producing the most college recruits, particularly for athletic programs? I feel like this info could help me understand the sports landscape better …

3 days ago

States with the Most Division I College Football Teams

Out of curiosity, does anyone know which states have the most Division I college football teams? As a big fan who's also looking at colleges, this stuff interests me.

3 days ago

Top NY colleges for Business?

I'm from New York and I am thinking about pursuing a business major. I'd prefer to stay in-state, so I'm wondering, which colleges in NY are recognized the most for their business programs?

3 days ago

Intensity Levels of Various Colleges - Work Hard, Play Hard

Hey everyone! So I've been hearing a lot about 'work hard, play hard' universities. Can anyone shed some light on which institutions are known for this? Any insights about the balance between rigorous …

3 days ago

Significance of Senior Year AP Courses in College Admissions

So, I'm a junior and planning to take most of my AP courses in my senior year. Do you guys think colleges will care or frown upon it? Does the timing of when we take these courses matter to admissions …

3 days ago

Financial Aid Opportunities at Top Colleges

Hey guys! As I begin to build my college list, I'm trying to also keep in mind cost. Which top-tier colleges are known for offering the most financial aid? Any personal experiences or resources to che …

3 days ago

Political Ideologies in Higher Education

Noticed this trend after checking out numerous college forums and student experiences: why does it seem like most colleges have a liberal bias? I'm not one to shy away from diverse views and I'm eager …

3 days ago

What's everyone majoring in?

Sup everyone, I'm gonna be a senior next year and I'm still unsure about what I want to major in, so I was hoping for some sort of perspective – what's the most popular college major out there right n …

3 days ago

Effective High School Principal Attributes?

Hey there! I'm part of a student committee involved in providing feedback for our new principal's selection process. From your experience, what are the most important attributes an effective high scho …

3 days ago

What educational level do most materials scientists achieve?

I'm a junior considering a career in materials science and I wanted to get a feel for what college degree level most professionals in this field usually complete. Do most go for a Bachelor's degree or …

3 days ago

Intersect of NCAA and NFL?

Hey, maybe someone on here knows this... I've been wondering which college has had the most of its alumni drafted into the NFL, specifically from 2019. Would really appreciate a nudge in the right dir …

3 days ago

Starting with Community College - Pros and Cons?

I've noticed that some people opt for community college before transferring to a four-year university. Can anyone share some insights into why this might be a good path to consider? Are there any pote …

3 days ago

Grand Garden State - New Jersey

Hello there, anyone know which private high schools in New Jersey have the highest tuition? On a side note, do these schools provide a higher level of education or resources for the increased cost?

3 days ago

Top Extracurriculars for a High School Student's Resume

Hey there, wondering what you all think are the most impressive extracurricular activities for a high schooler. You know, the kind that would really make a difference for college admissions? Open to a …

3 days ago

Which high school has the most National Merit Scholars?

I'm preparing for my PSAT and the possibility of becoming a National Merit Scholar. It made me curious, which high school has the most students who earned this scholarship?

3 days ago
Displaying questions 2601-2620 of 119705 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.