CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Determining the crucial high school year for college admissions

I'm trying to plan out my high school journey. Does anyone know which of my high school years will be most looked at by colleges? I've heard junior year is pretty important but I'm not sure. Any insig …

5 hours ago

Top extra-curricular activities colleges look for?

Hey there! I'm a junior in high school currently looking at more clubs to join. I was wondering, what types of extracurriculars do colleges tend to value the most in their applicants?

5 hours ago

Typical College Course Requirements?

Hi there! I'm starting to look into different colleges, and I'm curious about general admissions requirements. What courses do most insist that you take during high school, if any? Are there typical p …

5 hours ago

Essentials for a College Freshman?

Doing some early shopping prep for uni and wondering, what do you guys reckon is the most vital stuff to bring to college as a freshman? Are we talking more practical things like bedding and appliance …

5 hours ago

Things you missed while in college?

Okay, so for those of you in college, what do you miss most from home or high school? Is it familiarity? Less stress? Family and friends? I'm just trying to mentally prep for all the changes ahead.

5 hours ago

What did you miss most once you'd left college?

I'm curious about what people tend to miss the most once they've left the college bubble. Is it the friends, the routines, the resources? I know it's a while off for me, but just interested in knowing …

5 hours ago

What happens to early offer college athletes?

I'm on track to potentially get an early offer for my sporting achievements. I'm kind of curious, what usually happens with college athletes who get accepted on early offers?

5 hours ago

What's the future look like for most college football players?

Hey everyone, I was wondering about what sort of future you can expect by being a major college football player. I'm not expecting to go pro or anything, but what's the most common path taken?

5 hours ago

Experiences with College of Business?

Hi everyone, I'm considering majoring in business, and I'm curious about what students like most about their College of Business. Is it the professors, the curriculum, networking opportunities, intern …

5 hours ago

Summer after college?

So let's talk about Summer B. What do most people actually do during this time in college? Some of my friends are planning internships, while others are just chilling. What's the usual plan here?

5 hours ago

Colleges that rule on the basketball court?

For all the basketball fans out there, do you know which college teams have the most basketball championships? Is it a point of pride for the entire school, not just sports fans?

5 hours ago

Lawyer's college studies?

A bit unsure about the whole pre-law thing. What do most law students actually study in college? I'm assuming there's a lot of law courses, but what else?

5 hours ago

College path to law career?

Hi guys, looking into becoming a lawyer here. Just wondering what most lawyers usually major in during college. I know pre-law is an option, but is that the most common?

5 hours ago

Winning streak colleges for basketball?

Here's a question for my fellow sports enthusiast juniors, which colleges have the most wins in basketball? How does a solid athletic program like that impact the student community or the classroom se …

5 hours ago

What's the typical outcome for college dropouts?

Does anyone have any idea or data about what happens to the majority of college dropouts? I've been debating taking a gap year and this information might help me think through my options. Thanks!

5 hours ago

What demographic benefits most from a college education?

I'm currently doing a research assignment on higher education and its advantages, and I'm supposed to identify the group that benefits the most from obtaining a degree. Could anyone provide any data o …

5 hours ago

What college did a majority of Pixar animators attend for graphic design?

I'm seriously considering a career in animation, especially at a powerhouse like Pixar. I'm wondering if anyone knows which college most of their animators attended, particularly for graphic design? P …

5 hours ago

The GPA scale used by colleges

Hey, I'm a bit confused about the whole GPA system. What kind of scale do most colleges tend to use? Is it the same 4.0 scale we use in high school, or something different?

5 hours ago

Which GPA is important for college admissions?

Hey all, I've been hearing different things and just wanted to get some clarification. When colleges are looking at your GPA, is it the overall one that matters most or the specific subject GPA? Or do …

5 hours ago

FBI agents college major?

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in a career with the FBI, so I'm curious: what do most people who end up as FBI agents major in during college? I've heard criminal justice is common, but are there …

6 hours ago
Displaying questions 261-280 of 115521 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.