CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

What does the SAT measure?

Hey everyone! I'm studying for my SATs and sometimes I just wonder, what exactly is this test measuring? Is it just academic knowledge? Or is it also about problem-solving? I'd really appreciate some …

2 months ago

Meaning of 'Priority Deadline' in College Admission?

So I've been looking through various college admissions sites and I've found the term 'priority deadline'. I'm not exactly sure what this means. Is it a sort of early decision thing? Is it best if I a …

2 months ago

Help! What Does 'I Waive My Right' Mean on College Apps?

I've been filling out my college applications and there's a section that says 'I waive my right...' in regards to certain application components. What does that mean? Should I check it? Kinda nervous …

2 months ago

What does CUNY stand for, exactly?

I've seen the abbreviation CUNY thrown around on this sub quite a bit and I'm not sure what it stands for? Could anyone provide some info on this? What makes it different from other universities?

2 months ago

Deciphering Conditional Admission in Colleges

Hey guys, came across the term 'conditional admission' while reviewing some college websites. I'm not really sure what it means. Does it have something to do with me meeting a certain requirement befo …

2 months ago

What does it really take to get into Harvard University?

Hey folks, as a student aiming for Harvard University, I'm curious about what they're really looking for in a candidate. It's not just grades, right? Share your thoughts on what else they consider imp …

2 months ago

Insights on AP Human Geography?

I'm considering taking AP Human Geography next year but I'm a bit unsure about what it involves. Can anyone tell me what you learn in AP Human Geography or share your experience of the course?

2 months ago

Beyond being Valedictorian?

Hi all, through hard work I've managed to become my class' valedictorian. But now, I'm kind of stuck on what comes next in terms of academic achievements and college preparations. Has anyone here expe …

2 months ago

Need some help understanding D1 colleges?

I'm seriously considering going to a D1 college for the athletic opportunities. But, I'm not totally clear on which colleges fall into this category. Can anyone list the universities that are consider …

2 months ago

Does taking the CLT test change my college options?

Hey folks, I've been preparing for the CLT exam, but I'm not sure how widely it's accepted. Do any of you know what colleges accept the CLT test? Also, how is it viewed compared to the SAT or ACT? Any …

2 months ago

Military's role in funding college before enlistment

Hey, y'all. I've been seriously contemplating the military route and I was wondering, would they assist in funding my college education before I join? I've heard the military will sometimes help with …

2 months ago

Senior year course options?

I'm scheduling my classes for my senior year and want to make sure I'm making the best choices. What courses do seniors typically take, or what classes would you guys suggest for someone who is still …

2 months ago

What's it take to get into Harvard?

Hey there everybody, totally earnest question. I know Harvard is a reach for most, but does anyone know the specific things they look for in applicant? Not just grades and test scores, but the nitty-g …

2 months ago

Joining the Military After College: Thoughts?

Hey guys, was just wondering, anyone here planning on, or already gone through, joining the military after obtaining a college degree? If so, how did it go? What made you decide on that path? Looking …

2 months ago

Stay in College or Join the Military?

Hey, it's my first time posting something like this. I'm currently in college but have been having second thoughts about staying. I'm considering joining the military instead. Does anyone have some pr …

2 months ago

Prospective Post-College Military Enlistment: Any Convincing Reasons?

Hey all, lately, I've been thinking a lot about possibly joining the military after I finish college. I would love to hear some reasons that might convince me to take this route. What benefits do you …

2 months ago

Should I Choose a Specific Major if I Plan on Joining the Military?

Hey guys, I'm currently considering joining the military after high school but I also want to go to college first. Do you think the choice of my college major would greatly affect my future military c …

2 months ago

What are the Perks of Joining the Military After College?

I've heard that joining the military after obtaining a college degree has its advantages. Can someone shed some light on what these perks might be? Is it mostly about career advancement or are there o …

2 months ago

Just Got My Degree - Should I Join the Military Now?

Hey there, I've recently graduated from college, and while I had initially planned to start job hunting, the idea of joining the military is growing on me. What is it like to enlist after obtaining a …

2 months ago

Graduated College & Considering the Military - Pros and Cons?

I've just graduated and I'm at a career crossroads. The option of joining the military has been on my mind. I'm hoping to hear from some of you who have followed this path already, to understand the p …

2 months ago
Displaying questions 42861-42880 of 118465 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.