CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Application Process for CSU Sacramento

Does anyone have any tips or insights about applying to CSU Sacramento? What is the application process like? Is there anything I should pay special attention to?

2 months ago

How to Apply to the University of Oregon?

Hello all, I'm getting ready to start my college apps and University of Oregon is one of my top choices. Can anyone help explain the application process? Steps, tips, any unique points about the Unive …

2 months ago

TCU Acceptance Rates for Out-of-State Students?

Hey guys! I'm a high school junior living outside of Texas and I'm really keen on applying to TCU. But I'm a little worried about my chances given I'm not from Texas. Are the acceptance rates for out- …

2 months ago

Does anyone know the average UVA SAT score?

Hi, really hope someone can shed some light on this... I'm considering applying to UVA and I'm curious to see where my SAT score (1480) stands. What's the average for accepted students at UVA?

2 months ago

PVAMU Admission Rates - What's the Real Deal?

Hey everyone, I'm really interested in potentially applying to Prairie View A&M University but can't find much info on the acceptance rates. Has anyone here applied to or being accepted at PVAMU? Do y …

2 months ago

How important is the counselor recommendation?

Hey there! I'm starting to compile stuff for my college application and it's feeling a bit overwhelming. What's the deal with the counselor recommendation? Is it something that colleges take a big int …

2 months ago

The SAT and applying to UC schools

Guys, I really, really want to get into a UC school. I've heard varying stuff about how they consider SAT scores. Are they a big factor? What's the average SAT score of admitted students?

2 months ago

Question about Metro State Denver Admissions

Hey all, I'm intrigued by Metro State Denver's programs and am considering applying there. Does anyone have any advice on the admissions process or what they look for in their incoming students?

2 months ago

ACT Science Tips Needed!

For the life of me, I just can't get my head around the science section of the ACT. It's not that I'm bad at science, but the speed needed is just killing me. How did you all tackle this section, any …

2 months ago

Education Programs in the US Army

G'day everyone, could use some advice here. I'm considering joining the US Army after high school, but I still want to continue my education. How does the Army's college program work? What are the ben …

2 months ago

What's the Average GPA of Students at Lehigh University?

Hey all! So, Lehigh University is high on my list of colleges I'm planning to apply to. I'm trying to figure out if my GPA matches their standards. Anyone has info on what the average GPA of students …

2 months ago

Plotting a Path to Becoming a Doctor

I've always wanted to become a doctor and I know it's a long road ahead. Can someone break down the basic steps I need to take from high school to med school? Particularly, what should I be focusing o …

2 months ago

GPA 3.83: How Competitive?

Hey everyone! I find myself a little proud but also a little worried. I currently have a GPA of 3.83. Clearly, it's not perfect but is it competitive enough for Ivies/highly selective schools? Feeling …

2 months ago

Got any tips for doing well on the DBQ for AP World History?

Hi guys, AP World History is giving me a run for my money, especially the DBQs. Has anyone found a successful approach to nailing these? How best can I use the documents to support my argument?

2 months ago

Typical ACT score for Wake Forest?

Hi everyone! Rated by ACT score, how competitive is Wake Forest University? I'm prepping for the ACT right now, and it would be really helpful to know what score I should aim for to have a decent shot …

2 months ago

Columbia University admission rate, anyone know?

Alright, so I'm curious about Columbia U. I love the city vibe and their programs seem top-tier. But I need to know, what's their admission rate? Is it as cut-throat competitive as I've heard? Anxiety …

2 months ago

Confused about ACT Deadlines

Hey guys, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with the test scheduling, can anyone break down the ACT deadline for 2024? I don't want to miss any important test dates!

2 months ago

Current Tuition for Bard College?

Been thinking about Bard College, but I'm having trouble finding the current tuition fees. Any ideas or suggestions on where to find reliable information on this?

2 months ago

Looking for Extracurricular Examples

Is anyone willing to share what they've put down for extracurricular activities on their college apps? Just an example or two would help me brainstorm and give me a general idea of what colleges are l …

2 months ago

How competitive are Harvard's admission statistics?

Hey guys, I've been doing some research lately, curious about the stats for getting into Harvard. I know it's one of the top ranking universities, so I expect it to be quite competitive. But, can anyo …

2 months ago
Displaying questions 43121-43140 of 117815 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.