CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Easy-to-graduate online colleges with accreditation?

Hey, I'm considering online college due to personal circumstances and want to ensure I can get through and graduate without too much pressure. Are there accredited online colleges out there that aren' …

a month ago

Looking for Less-Demanding Online Classes at Mese College

Hello everybody. I'm about to sign up for online classes at Mese College. A little anxious about juggling everything so I’m looking for classes that are not excessively challenging, but still useful a …

a month ago

What are some 'easy' academic colleges to get into?

Hey, y'all! I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the whole college application thing, and I'm starting to consider looking at colleges that have less competitive admission standards. Not looking f …

a month ago

Easiest Electives in College - Recommendations Needed

I'm a high school junior planning my college schedule in advance. I've heard electives can help balance out heavy workloads. Any suggestions for easy electives I can take irrespective of the college I …

a month ago

Looking for a good balance: Easiest colleges to get into with quality programs?

Hi guys, I've seen lists of the easiest colleges to get into but I'm interested in finding out which of these also offer solid programs. Any tips on where to start?

a month ago

Selecting a Social Science Gen Ed Course

Hey all, I'm a junior starting to plan out my future college schedule. I need to take social science classes for my gen eds. Any advice on how to identify the easiest one? I want to focus on my major …

a month ago

Need advice on easiest science course at Community College

Sup everyone, hope you're all doing well! I'm currently a Junior in high school, and I'm planning on taking some courses at my local community college in my senior year. I'm not the best at science, b …

a month ago

Insights on workload at colleges in Tennessee?

I'm from Tennessee and looking into staying close to home if possible. I've been checking out some colleges around here, but not sure about the workload. Does anyone have any insights about the worklo …

a month ago

Simple ways to get a credit card as a college student?

I heard having a credit card early on can help build my credit score for the future. What's the simplest way to go about getting one as a college student?

a month ago

Which would be the easiest type of math to take in college?

I know I’ll need to take a math course in college, but I’m not sure which to choose. Anyone have an idea of what the easiest one might be?

a month ago

Ranking College Majors by Difficulty

Hey everyone! I'm kinda stumped over which major I should pursue in college. I heard some are notoriously difficult while others are considered simpler. Could anyone give me a rundown of the hardest t …

a month ago

Why does difficulty of college football schedules differ?

What's up, pals! I'm just a curious football fan. Why do some college football teams have what are considered 'easier' schedules? I'm not super familiar with how that's determined. Any gridiron gurus …

a month ago

Easy critical thinking courses for college?

Yo, a little lost here. I have to enroll in a critical thinking course next semester. Has anyone taken an easy one they would recommend? Doesn't have to be a breeze, but manageable would be nice.

a month ago

Choosing the Right College Major: What's Considered the Easiest Major at a 4 Year College?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior in high school and trying to start thinking about what I might want to major in. I know some people say to follow your passion, but I'm really not sure what that is yet. Can …

a month ago

Looking for Best Easiest Colleges to Transfer To

Hey guys, I'm currently attending community college and I'm planning to transfer to a four-year university. I'm interested in finding colleges that are generally easier to transfer to. What are some o …

a month ago

Suggestions for easiest online college electives?

Hi folks, looking to lighten my load next semester while still ticking off some elective requirements. Can you suggest any online college elective courses that are on the easier side but still interes …

a month ago

Easy meals for a college student?

I'm preparing to move to college soon and to be honest, cooking isn't my strong point. I'm stressing a bit about it, to say the least. Could anyone suggest some easy meals to cook for a college studen …

a month ago

Cornell's easiest colleges to get admitted to?

OMG, Cornell is my dream school, but I know it's really competitive. Does anyone have the inside scoop on which of Cornell's colleges are easiest to get into? Any advice appreciated!

a month ago

Mastering College Geography: Tips and Tricks?

I'm currently studying College Geography and finding it a bit challenging. What are some effective study techniques that fellow geography students found helpful? Any resources, textbooks, or tips on n …

a month ago

Are there any easy jobs to get for college students interested in transcription work?

Hey there, I'm a college sophomore and I've recently developed an interest in transcription work. I was curious if there are any easy roles to get into within this field? Are there certain companies k …

a month ago
Displaying questions 31281-31300 of 117815 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.