CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Need info on public colleges in Indiana

Hey y'all! I've been dwelling on the perspective of going to a public college in Indiana after my high school. Can anyone share some insight about their experiences at these colleges in terms of acade …

2 months ago

Private Colleges in Florida

Hi everyone, I'm trying to explore my options in Florida. Can anybody recommend any good private colleges in the state? Maybe share a bit about how you chose your school, what you like about it, etc.? …

2 months ago

Researching Cali colleges: What are my options?

Hola peeps! California’s been my dream place and it's about time I start sifting through colleges over there. But there’s so many and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, tbh. Could you folks help me out wi …

2 months ago

High School Military Schools Admission Criteria

Ok, so I'm looking at potentially attending a military school for high school. What are some admission criteria these schools usually have? Is it much different from regular high schools? Anyone here …

2 months ago

Adjusted High School Diploma

For those who had an adjusted high school diploma, were there any issues when you tried to enlist in the military? I'm hearing different things from different sources and it's getting confusing.

2 months ago

Education Savings - 529 Plan and Enlistment

So I learned that my parents have been saving for my college education through a 529 Plan. But what if I decide to enlist in the military right after high school, what happens to that 529 plan? And ca …

2 months ago

Joining the Military Right After High School

Hey guys, has anyone considered or have experience with joining the military straight out of high school instead of going to college? What are the pros and cons? Can I still attend college while servi …

2 months ago

What is Military Science in High School?

Hello fellow students, I came across 'military science' while looking into high school course options and was quite intrigued. Can anyone here shed some light on this subject? What does it involve exa …

2 months ago

Military Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students

Hey folks, just a junior here looking to make the most of my time before graduation. Do you know of any military-related volunteer opportunities for high school students? I'm keen on a potential milit …

2 months ago

Military Tests for High School Students

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and I've been interested in joining the military for a while. I heard there are some tests to take while still in high school that could better prepare me for this path. Cou …

2 months ago

Best Summer Programs in Military for High School Students

Hey guys, I've been seriously considering a career in the military after high school. Just wondering, does anyone here know of any worthwhile military-related summer programs specifically designed for …

2 months ago

Exploring Military Options for High School Students

So, I'm a high school junior here, and I have been dabbling with the idea of a military career after high school. Could someone shed some light on the options available and some pros/cons to consider?

2 months ago

Houston, Texas Military High Schools?

It's my junior year and I've been thinking about going to a military high school in Houston, Texas, my home state. Does anyone here know about the top ones? Genuine replies appreciated, thanks!

2 months ago

Details on Alabama Military High School Programs?

Hi, does anyone have experience with or detailed information on the military-focused high schools in Alabama? What does the recruitment process look like and what kind of programs do they offer?

2 months ago

Cal Poly vs. UC Davis: Your Thoughts?

So, it's down to two choices for me now: Cal Poly and UC Davis. Anyone got insights on the pros and cons of each one? Really trying to make an informed decision here.

2 months ago

Where exactly is University of Virginia located?

Hey everyone, I'm thinking about applying to UVA but I'm not quite sure where the campus is located. Can anyone who's been there or lives nearby give me a rundown? Also, any advice on life at UVA woul …

2 months ago

Florida's Military High Schools

Hey everyone, I'm located in Florida and wondered about the military high schools here. Could someone share their experiences or insights about these schools? How do they shape the future, especially …

2 months ago

Cost of Education at Mount Holyoke College

Hi everyone, I'm really impressed with Mount Holyoke's programs, but I'm a bit worried about how much it'll cost to study there. Could anyone shed some light on how much tuition I can expect to pay?

2 months ago

Decoding a Letter Grade for a 92 Score?

Hey there! I've been receiving several grades in the 90s, specifically a 92 on my recent essay. I was hoping to understand what this would look like as a letter grade. Help me out?

2 months ago

Impact of Military Recruiters in High Schools

Hey there! Recently, I’ve noticed a lot of military recruiters visiting our high school. Can anyone help me understand the reason behind this? Does their presence have any influence on our school and …

2 months ago
Displaying questions 42081-42100 of 119337 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.