CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

What are the demographics at Colorado State University?

Hello, I'm a high school junior and I've been looking into Colorado State University as a potential college choice. I was wondering what the demographics at CSU look like. Are they diverse? What's the …

6 months ago

How is TAMU's computer science program ranked?

I'm interested in applying for computer science at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Can anyone share any insights on the current ranking of their program and how it compares to other schools in the state?

6 months ago

Fresno State Population

Hey everyone, I've been considering Fresno State as one of my college options. What's the student population like there? Is the campus diverse and lively, or is it more of a commuter school with less …

6 months ago

Florida International University grads, how's the job market?

I'm looking into Florida International University, but I'm a little bit stressed about the job outcomes for graduates. Can anyone share their experiences or any data on job placement and starting sala …

6 months ago

San Jose State Electrical Engineering Program?

I've been hearing some good things about San Jose State, especially their engineering department. But I'm curious if anyone can tell me more about their electrical engineering program. Are there any c …

6 months ago

Pittsburg State University Kansas Ranking?

For someone considering applying to Pittsburg State University in Kansas, what's its current overall ranking? Are there any specific programs that are ranked highly? Thanks!

6 months ago

Northeastern housing prices?

I'm potentially attending Northeastern University next year, and I'm wondering about the cost of housing. How expensive is it to live on-campus versus off-campus? What should I expect to pay for a dor …

6 months ago

Thoughts on UNR?

Hey folks! I've been looking into the University of Nevada, Reno and was wondering if it's considered a good school. What have you heard about UNR? How's the academic reputation there?

6 months ago

Looking for colleges with solid baseball programs

Hey there! I'm a HS junior and baseball is my passion. I'm starting my college search and I want to prioritize schools with good baseball programs. Can anyone recommend some colleges/universities that …

6 months ago

What division does Drexel University compete in for sports?

Hey guys, I'm interested in attending Drexel University, and I'm curious to know what division their sports teams compete in. Does anyone have information on this? Thanks in advance!

6 months ago

What is the geography program like at UW-Madison?

Hey there, I'm really interested in studying geography and considering the University of Wisconsin-Madison as one of my options. Can any current or former students tell me about their geography progra …

6 months ago

How is Duke University's English Department?

Aspiring writer here! I'm looking into Duke University's English Department for undergrad. Can anyone offer some insights on the coursework, faculty, and overall program quality? Any information would …

6 months ago

How competitive is Oregon Tech's sports division?

Hi everyone! I've been looking into Oregon Tech lately and I'm an athlete. Does anyone know how competitive their sports division is, and what kind of sports teams they offer for students?

6 months ago

Design Colleges in Florida

Hi everyone, I'm a junior interested in studying design and I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good design colleges in Florida. What are some well-known schools with strong design programs …

6 months ago

Cost of John Jay College tuition per semester?

Hey everyone! I've been considering John Jay College for my undergrad studies, but I'm trying to figure out how much the tuition is per semester. Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!

6 months ago

Kent State Demographics?

I've been thinking about applying to Kent State and would like to learn more about the student demographics. Does anyone have information on the ethnic, gender, and geographic diversity of students at …

6 months ago

EMT Schools in California

Hi! I'm a junior in high school interested in EMT training during college, but I'm only looking into schools in California. Do you know of any good EMT programs or schools that I should consider apply …

6 months ago

Liberty University campus locations

I'm looking into Liberty University for college, and I was curious about their campus locations. Do they have multiple campuses, or just one main campus? If they have multiple, can you share the locat …

6 months ago

Math at WWU - Experiences?

I'm considering Western Washington University for my math major, but want to know more about how the math department is there. If you're a math major at WWU or took any math classes, please share your …

6 months ago

UCF Job Outcomes for Graduates

Hey, can anyone give me an idea about the job outcomes for University of Central Florida (UCF) graduates? How successful are students in finding jobs after graduation and what kind of support does UCF …

6 months ago
Displaying questions 82681-82700 of 119224 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.