CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Which College has the Largest Student Population Worldwide?

Hi! I'm getting started with my college applications and just had a thought - does anyone know which is the largest university by student population globally? Moreover, what impact might that large si …

3 hours ago

College representation in the NFL?

Hey guys, I was just wondering about the relation between colleges and the NFL. Specifically, does anyone know which college has the most graduates who ended up becoming defensive players in the NFL? …

3 hours ago

What's the Financial Impact of Different College Sports?

Howdy! Doing some research for school, and could use some help – specifically about college sports. I'm trying to figure out which sport generally brings in the most revenue for colleges. Is it always …

3 hours ago

Colleges providing linemen to the NFL

Hey all, I play lineman in HS and I've been thinking about potential colleges. I was wondering, what colleges send the most linemen to the NFL?

3 hours ago

Colleges That Produce Most CEOs

Hey, I'm kind of into business, and I'm curious: which college has produced the most CEOs? Is it really all about the Harvard and Stanford MBA programs, or have undergrad programs got some game too?

3 hours ago

Looking for a diverse college

Hey y'all! As I begin my college search, I've found one of my top priorities is a truly diverse campus environment. That being said, does anyone have an idea of what college has the most diversity?

3 hours ago

Which college has claimed the most NCAA baseball championships?

Hey there, I'm a high school junior with a keen interest in baseball. In planning for the future, I'm curious - which college program holds the record for the most NCAA baseball championships? I'm con …

3 hours ago

Colleges that produced the most NBA All-Stars?

Thinking about which college to attend if I want to maximize my chances of reaching the NBA. So here's my question, which colleges have produced the most NBA All-Stars? Perhaps a college has strong sp …

3 hours ago

Colleges with High International Student Participation in Sports

Hi there! I am an international student who is a passionate swimmer. I'm curious about which U.S. colleges might have a significant portion of international students on their sports teams. Can anyone …

3 hours ago

Football programs producing the most NFL running backs?

Hey guys, quick question here. I'm a junior, love football and I play as a running back on our school's team. Could anyone tell me which college has produced the most running backs who made it to the …

3 hours ago

Expense Trends among College Students

Hey everyone. I'm curious about the financial aspects of college life. Does anyone have information about what college students spend the most money on? I'm trying to create a budget for myself, and f …

3 hours ago

Which universities give out the most athletic scholarships?

This might be a long shot, but I've been playing soccer competitively since I was a kid. It would be a dream come true if I could go to a college with a solid athletic department and a good scholarshi …

3 hours ago

What college has contributed the most athletes to the NBA?

I'm in love with basketball and aspire to be a professional player one day. I'm curious, does anyone know which college has produced the most NBA stars? It might influence where I decide to apply.

3 hours ago

Guide to College Attendance Cost

Yo, guys! So, I was scrolling through some colleges and the tuitions kinda scared me. I'm curious, and maybe a little terrified, but which college is the most expensive to attend?

3 hours ago

Colleges known for producing MLB pitchers

Hi, as a junior with a passion for baseball, particularly pitching, I'd like to know if there are any colleges that stand out in terms of producing MLB pitchers. Any info on this would be really helpf …

3 hours ago

What college has sent the most players to the NFL?

Hey guys, I've been thinking about how certain colleges seem to have a heavy presence in the NFL. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know which college has sent the most players to the NFL? Thanks in …

3 hours ago

Colleges with a strong track record of producing black doctors

Hi! I'm currently a junior with a goal of becoming a doctor. Being a person of color, I'm particularly interested in colleges that have a reputation for producing a lot of black doctors. Can anyone pr …

4 hours ago

Facebook's hiring trends? Can't find much info online

Hello, mates. Me again. Trying to sketch out a roadmap for my future and Facebook is a company I've always admired. Does anyone know what colleges they tend to hire from the most? All advice is hearti …

4 hours ago

Colleges with High NFL Representation

Hi folks, I'm a high school junior and an aspiring football player. Can anyone tell me which college is most represented in the NFL? Appreciate it!

4 hours ago

Biggest Complaints in College?

Evening, folks! Junior here, trying to get a real picture of college life. Can any college students (or recent grads) share what are some of the things they disliked or regretted the most about their …

4 hours ago
Displaying questions 161-180 of 114917 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.