CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Most Recruited States by Colleges

Hey all, does anyone know which state colleges tend to recruit the most from? Just wondering what my chances might look like. Thanks a lot!

2 days ago

Easiest College Course

Just to balance out my schedule, I was thinking it might be a good idea to throw in a 'gimme' course. Anyone have any suggestions for what's considered the easiest course in college?

2 days ago

Which colleges in England do most Marquess graduates attend?

Hey guys, I've been reading up on the education paths of the Marquess in England. I'm really curious about the usual colleges they attend. Are there any specific colleges that a majority of them seems …

2 days ago

Finding Top Esthetician Schools in Miami

Hey everyone! I'm interested in becoming an esthetician and I live in Miami. Can anyone guide me towards the higher-ranked esthetician schools in this area? I'd appreciate any help or recommendations!

2 days ago

Best states for college football recruits

I'm all for football, and I'm aware that certain states consistently produce more recruits. Does anyone know which state generates the most college football recruits?

2 days ago

What college minor could potentially lead to a high-income career?

Hey everyone, as I'm thinking about possible majors and minors, I'm curious to know: are there any college minors that are known to lead to lucrative careers? I understand pursuing a passion is import …

2 days ago

College Football Program and Revenue

Hello folks, I'm writing a paper on the financial aspect of college sports programs. So, I wanted to ask: Which college football team or program is known to generate the most revenue? Any sources or i …

2 days ago

What's the usual time frame for most college application deadlines?

I'm trying to plan out my senior year, and I want to make sure I'm on track. When do most college applications typically become due?

2 days ago

Summertime Sessions in College

Hey! I've heard about summer session classes at colleges but I have no idea when these typically start. Does anyone know when the second summer session classes generally begin?

2 days ago

Which high school electives are most favored by colleges?

Hey everyone, as a junior I still have some room in my schedule for electives. I’m curious, which electives do colleges generally like seeing on applications most? I want to make sure to build a compe …

2 days ago

Transferring the Most College Credits

Hi guys, I'll be transferring out of my current college soon and I'm on the hunt for an institution that will accept most, if not all, of my college credits. Has anyone been in a similar situation or …

2 days ago

Education background of film directors

Calling all film buffs! I'm seriously considering pursuing direction and was musing - where did most successful directors go to college? Does the college you choose for film studies have a significant …

2 days ago

When do Most College Students Enter the Workforce?

Hello all! I'm a junior in high school and I've already started thinking about my career post college. When do most college students start working? Do they generally find jobs right after graduation, …

2 days ago

Jobs you can have with a high school diploma?

Not sure if college is the right path for me. Can anyone point out the jobs where a high school diploma would be enough? I'm looking to explore different career paths that might await me after graduat …

2 days ago

Is tuition a common requirement for high schools in the United States?

Hey everyone! As I'm starting to look into costs for college, it made me curious about the current state of high school education. Do most high schools, particularly public ones, in the United States …

2 days ago

College Dropout Patterns

Hello everyone, I've been reading up on college life and I can't help but notice the dropout rates. Just out of curiosity, when do most students drop out of college? Would it be in the first year or l …

2 days ago

Most infamous high school in the UK?

I might be applying to schools in the UK and am trying to do some research beforehand. Out of curiosity, which high school in the UK is the most well-known, and for what reason? Does it have renowned …

2 days ago

Tackling College Head-On: What's Been Your Biggest Hurdle?

College is a big, sometimes scary, leap and I want to know what I'm stepping into. What was the most challenging part of your college experience? It could be anything from academics to lifestyle chang …

2 days ago

Senators' Education Pathways

I'm looking into potentially pursuing a career in politics or public service. Curious to know: where do most U.S. Senators go to college? Any specific programs or universities stand out?

2 days ago

Full Course Load: What's the Maximum Number of Credits I Can Take Each Semester in College?

I've seen college students talking about the number of credits per semester, and I'm a bit confused. What's the maximum number of credits one can register for? What's considered a full course load? An …

2 days ago
Displaying questions 1621-1640 of 118251 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.