CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Are standardized test scores still important with so many test-optional schools?

Hi everybody, with many schools going test-optional due to covid, I'm wondering if standardized test scores are still important in college admissions? Should I still prioritize preparing for the SAT/A …

11 months ago

Is a 4 on an AP exam good enough for the Ivy League?

I recently got my AP scores and, while most of my scores are 5's, I received a 4 on one of the tests. Will Ivy League schools look down on that, or is a 4 still considered good enough for those univer …

11 months ago

Do colleges consider reading an extracurricular activity?

Hey there! I'm an avid reader and I spend countless hours on books. I don't participate in any book clubs or related groups, but I'm wondering whether reading itself is enough to be considered an extr …

11 months ago

Do colleges prefer traditional essays or creative writing?

Hello, I have a question about the writing style for college essays. Do colleges generally prefer traditional essay writing, or are they open to more creative writing styles? I enjoy creative writing …

11 months ago

Will having a sibling at an Ivy League help my chances?

Hey all! My older sibling is currently attending an Ivy League school, and I'm wondering if that will have any impact on my chances of getting admitted there too. Does sibling legacy factor into admis …

11 months ago

Do people consider Penn State a research university?

Hey everyone! As a junior, I'm diving into the college research process, and I'm particularly interested in research universities. I've been looking into Penn State as a potential option, but I'm not …

11 months ago

Can I become a nurse despite having bad grades?

Hello, everyone. I'm a junior with aspirations of becoming a nurse, but my grades aren't the best. Is it possible for me to get into a nursing program and become a nurse with my current GPA? Thanks in …

11 months ago

Does reading as a hobby count as an extracurricular activity?

Hey! I love reading and always find time to do so during my day. Can I list reading as an extracurricular activity for my college application, or should it be something more formal? Any advice would b …

11 months ago

Do Ivy League universities interview all applicants?

As I'm working on my Ivy League applications, I'm wondering if I should expect interviews from all of these schools. Do they interview every applicant, or just a select few? Thank you for any insight!

11 months ago

Is a 34 ACT score good enough to get into an Ivy League school?

Hello! I just got my ACT scores back and I scored a 34. I'm extremely happy with my score, but I'm wondering if it's competitive enough for Ivy League schools or if I should consider retaking it. Has …

11 months ago

Should I take a gap year after high school?

Hello everyone, I'm a junior and I've been considering taking a gap year after high school. What are the pros and cons of taking a gap year, and how do colleges view students who take a gap year? Than …

11 months ago

How can I find potential colleges that offer financial aid for international students?

As an international student, finding financial aid for college is really important to me. How can I search for colleges in the US that offer generous financial aid for international students? Any reso …

11 months ago

How many research universities exist in the United States?

Hey everyone, I'm working on narrowing down my college list and I've been focusing on research universities lately. I'm just curious, does anybody have an idea of how many research universities there …

11 months ago

I have a visual arts background, will top schools see that as a strength?

Hi! I have a strong background in visual arts (currently taking AP Art) and have received multiple awards for my work. I am planning on applying to schools like Brown and Yale. Will this background in …

11 months ago

Best scholarships for engineering students?

Hey guys! So, I'm a junior with a 4.0 GPA, 34 ACT, and strong extracurriculars in engineering (including robotics and internships). I'm planning to apply to schools like MIT, Caltech, and Carnegie Mel …

11 months ago

Are there any lesser-known but great colleges I should apply to?

Hi everyone! I'm researching colleges to add to my application list, and I'd like to consider some lesser-known schools that might be a great fit for me. Can you suggest any hidden gems that might not …

11 months ago

What's the best way to ask for financial aid?

Hello, I'm a junior in high school, and I'm starting to think about how to pay for college. What's the best way to approach asking for financial aid? Are there any tips or strategies I should know abo …

11 months ago

How do I explain a downward trend in my grades to colleges?

Okay, so I had a few rough semesters during high school, and my grades suffered as a result (I'm talking about a couple of Cs and quite a few Bs). There were some personal and family issues I had to d …

11 months ago

Should I list tutoring as an extracurricular activity?

Hey there! I tutor some students in math and science on weekends. Is tutoring considered an extracurricular activity, and should I include it on my college application? Thanks in advance for your advi …

11 months ago

Large state schools or small liberal arts colleges: which is the better choice?

I'm starting to create my college list, and I'm torn between large state schools with lots of resources and opportunities, and small liberal arts colleges that have a tight-knit community feel. I'm pl …

11 months ago
Displaying questions 112721-112740 of 115930 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.