CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Will being in AVID help my college application stand out?

Hey everyone, I've been actively involved in my school's AVID program since freshman year and have taken leadership roles. How much will this involvement help differentiate my college application? Sho …

9 months ago

Understanding a 4.0 GPA meaning

I've noticed that a 4.0 GPA is often mentioned as the highest you can get in high school. What exactly does a 4.0 GPA mean and how is it calculated? Does it mean that I got straight A's in all my clas …

9 months ago

Ivy League vs. HBCU: Which Should I Aim For?

Hey guys, I'm a junior and getting serious about my college list. I've always been told Ivy League schools are the top, but lately, I've been learning about HBCUs and their unique environments. How do …

9 months ago

How many Harvards are there?

Sounds like a weird question, but I've heard people mention different 'Harvards.' Are they referring to different campuses or schools within Harvard University? Can someone clarify this for me?

9 months ago

Volunteering ideas for high school students during the school year?

I want to start doing some volunteer work to give back to the community and add to my college applications. What are some good volunteering activities that can fit into a busy high school schedule?

9 months ago

Powerful vocabulary to boost essay quality

I want to make my college essays stand out by using impressive vocabulary. What are some good words to use in essays that will help them sound more sophisticated? How can I ensure the words I choose f …

9 months ago

What is HBHS at Cornell?

Hi guys, I recently came across the abbreviation 'HBHS' related to Cornell University, but I'm not quite sure what it stands for. Can someone please provide some information? Is it an academic program …

9 months ago

Affording out-of-state tuition?

So, I'm really interested in some out-of-state colleges, but the tuition is way more expensive! How do you guys plan on affording out-of-state tuition? Are there any programs or scholarships that can …

9 months ago

How to write a captivating personal statement?

I'm starting to think about my college applications and I know personal statements are an important part. What makes a good personal statement? Any tips for how to get started or how to make it more e …

9 months ago

Tracking Volunteer Hours for High School?

I'm trying to compile my volunteer hours for high school. What's the best way to track these hours and make sure they're verified? Is there an app or website that you recommend? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Does PE affect GPA?

Hey guys, I'm really concerned about my GPA and I was curious, does PE (physical education) count towards it? My school does grade it, but some people say it might not have as much impact. I'd appreci …

9 months ago

Path to becoming a doctor after high school?

Hey, I'm really interested in becoming a doctor, and I want to know the optimal path to pursue after graduating from high school. What should I major in during undergrad, and are there any programs or …

9 months ago

Opportunities at Microsoft for HBCU students?

Hey folks! Does Microsoft run any specific programs or internships for students from HBCUs? Looking to boost my resume with some solid tech experience.

9 months ago

How many activities should I list on UC application?

Hello! I'm currently filling out my UC application and I'm not sure how many activities I should include. I've been quite involved in high school, but I also don't want to overwhelm the admissions off …

9 months ago

How does the grade to GPA scale work?

My school gives us percentage grades, but I've noticed that colleges use a GPA scale instead. How do I convert my percentage grades to a GPA on a 4.0 scale?

9 months ago

What does HBCU pride represent for students?

Hey, could someone explain the significance of HBCU pride for students who attend these institutions? I've seen lots of merch like hoodies and shirts, and I'm curious about the deeper meaning behind t …

9 months ago

Is there such a thing as being 'too qualified' when applying to colleges?

Really need some insights here—do colleges ever reject students for being overqualified? If I have really high stats, should I be worried about being turned down because of that?

9 months ago

How good is a 1490 SAT score for top colleges?

I recently got my SAT results back and scored a 1490. While I'm happy with my score, I'm wondering if this is considered competitive for top colleges. Can anyone share some advice on whether I should …

9 months ago

Is a 3.8 unweighted GPA considered good in high school?

Hiya, I'm a high school junior, and I currently have a 3.8 unweighted GPA. Just wondering, is that a good GPA for getting into competitive colleges? Thanks, everyone!

9 months ago

What's the vibe like at Morgan State as an HBCU?

Hi friends, I'm considering applying to Morgan State and I'm super curious about the atmosphere there. How would you describe the student experience? What makes it stand out as an HBCU?

9 months ago
Displaying questions 108541-108560 of 119221 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.